Looking forward to a sail today. Where's everyone going? Seems like the conditions would suit many places from Beachmere to the goldy.
Hi guys!
Sorry for offtop, I am quite new for windsurf, I have just started. I found many topics abour windsurf on Manly, but all of them are very old 2006-2009. Can anybody please provide me with a good location for begginer? Google map mark? or something.
How good was that!!!!!
Great tide, great wind, great direction - VP was superb.
I'm still stoked..... and knackered.
Probably averaged 25 kts most of the day. Had a 5.3 and JP Xcite 110L.
Queens was pretty good only had time for a short 30 min session but good fun on a 4.7 &85ltr, happy days
Shearwater was sweet. Fully powered on the 4.8. Could have changed down but ran out of energy. Nice to get a good breeze