Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

Wello Parking issues

Created by Carindale > 9 months ago, 18 Sep 2012
QLD, 700 posts
18 Sep 2012 8:23AM
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We need to add comments to that article ,can't believe how selfish those boaties are

QLD, 261 posts
18 Sep 2012 8:49AM
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Haha they are actually over reacting about this....actually having a protest!
I think that a counter protest is in order!!!

QLD, 673 posts
18 Sep 2012 10:12AM
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Seems to be a bit of history there. It appears to me that the current trailer boat parking spots are being abused by tourists etc and they now believe the shared parking will exacerbate the situation. I think we should also suggest additional parking inspections as part of the solution so all water users benefit. i.e. more available parks for boaties and us.

QLD, 490 posts
18 Sep 2012 10:30AM
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i dont get why the boat owners expect special treatment , if there is no spots left they can just go some where else like every one else has to . i added a comment with the username yagsgnihsif

QLD, 490 posts
18 Sep 2012 10:33AM
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evilC said...

Seems to be a bit of history there. It appears to me that the current trailer boat parking spots are being abused by tourists etc and they now believe the shared parking will exacerbate the situation. I think we should also suggest additional parking inspections as part of the solution so all water users benefit. i.e. more available parks for boaties and us.

i think by tourist they mean every one that isnt participating in the serious sport of fishing

QLD, 123 posts
18 Sep 2012 12:32PM
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That's just weird. I don't think I've ever been to Wello when all the trailer spots are even 50% in use.

I don't bother these days as by the time I can get there a park is rare - unless I put a trailer on the back...

QLD, 23 posts
18 Sep 2012 12:38PM
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I usually opt for sailing other locations due to the parking issues at Wello, which is a shame. It seems crazy that we have to drive round and round trying to find a park when the trailer ones are quite often empty

My email supporting shared parking has been sent and I have already received one back saying my comments have been noted, fingers crossed

QLD, 331 posts
18 Sep 2012 6:26PM
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bc said...

We need to add comments to that article ,can't believe how selfish those boaties are

My supportive comments to the idea have been added.

QLD, 1241 posts
20 Sep 2012 9:22AM
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Just further to the parking issues I saw this article come through this morning and it looks like the boaties are going to figh tooth and nail on this one. I think the fathers day situation is at the extreem end of things but more than anything I feel the council has a bit of identity crisis going on down there at the point. They keep improving the park for "day trippers" but also have the ramps for the boaties, it's almost like that ocean side needs to be one or the other.


My name is Dave Anderson. I am on a crusade. I am trying to obtain what is rightfully boaties' and that is trailer parking availability.
Wellington Point reserve has 6 lanes of ramps (1 x 4 lane & 1 x 2 lane). Maritime Services Queensland guidelines recommend there be 135 bays for trailers there. There are 75. On every fair weather weekend it is usual to see half of these bays filled by cars without trailers. Fathers Day just gone was a great example. 6 bays taken up by boat trailers, 69 by daytrippers.
2 of those 6 trailers had been boxed in by cars. Some bays even had 3 cars parked in them. Cars and boat trailers were parked on median strips, and there were 2 cars parked on the 2 lane ramp. The worst I have seen there was on 29/07/12 when there was no room for boaties to rig up, as there were 6 cars parked in the rigging bays. i have attached some pics of that day.

Council committed its officers to doing a report and the officers recommended that the parking allocation status quo remain and enforcement be increased with emphasis on weekends and public holidays. At councils meeting this week, councillors saw fit to vote against these recommendations and instead have proposed a "trial period" of "shared parking" whereby they are effectively legalising parking in a further 11 trailer bays for daytrippers.

These changes by council somewhat contravene the conditions MSQ puts in place at the design stage and will see us with less than 50% of recommended. As we contribute via registration fees to the costs of ramp and parking facility upkeep are we not entitled to receive a reasonable level of service?

I have the names of more than 50 angry boaties prepared for a park in protest at the point. i am after more. Please include my number 0423148941 and this link to the forum thread:

Trevor Jane adds:

Support from some Councillors:

'Phil Weightman lost his seat . because of the Moreton Bay Marine Park rezoning.' GOLD. And if we want to overturn the marine park lockups, let's campaign against Burke in his seat. Thanks for reading my friends, thanks even more for sending in reports and pics! Until next week,

QLD, 673 posts
20 Sep 2012 10:54AM
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Seems to me there are not enough parking spots for locals and visitors. More parking spots would help alleviate the problem, does anyone know who owns this land ?

QLD, 129 posts
20 Sep 2012 1:55PM
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I wonder whether we (windsurfers) need to ensure that there is a distinction between "Day Trippers" and other recreational Wter Craft Users.
I believe that the problem is being caused by Day trippers (Picnicer's) and not by Windsurfing people since when it's good for windsurfers to be out windsurfing there are far less boats out and far less people having pinnics.
This is why the 11 "time Zoned" parks would help windsurfers wanting access to a ramp to launch from.
But the "Policing" of Picnic parking needs to happen...


The Pom
QLD, 137 posts
20 Sep 2012 2:25PM
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How about we start a thread and everyone post pics up there of when the boat section is empty. Simple evidence gathering. Every time you turn up and there is a trailer park empty, snap it with your phone and post it up.

Then all we have to do is point the link to the council. Easy for everyone to be involved.

(it will be even funnier if we can get empty park places when the protest is on!)

QLD, 673 posts
20 Sep 2012 2:55PM
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The Pom said...

How about we start a thread and everyone post pics up there of when the boat section is empty. Simple evidence gathering. Every time you turn up and there is a trailer park empty, snap it with your phone and post it up.

Then all we have to do is point the link to the council. Easy for everyone to be involved.

(it will be even funnier if we can get empty park places when the protest is on!)

The Pom
QLD, 137 posts
20 Sep 2012 9:12PM
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Oh no...don't worry.

EvilC has it all wrapped up!

Nice find Evil!

QLD, 1462 posts
21 Sep 2012 9:59AM
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Can we register a board bag with small wheels and lights as a trailer to be qualified for the car park?

QLD, 3416 posts
21 Sep 2012 10:01PM
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Council commits to trials to tackle parking issues
19 September 2012

Redland City Council resolved to trial new parking arrangements at two of the city's busiest parking areas today.

The extension of hours for on-street parking in Cleveland Central Business district and limited shared parking at Wellington Point Reserve will both be trialled in coming months.

Redland City Mayor Cr Karen Williams said the trials would begin as soon as the research collection methods and signage had been finalised.

“The Cleveland parking spaces trial will last six months, extending the two hour on-street parking zones to three hours along Bloomfield, Middle and Doig Streets,” Cr Williams said.

“The aim of the Cleveland trial was to provide another incentive for people to stop and do their shopping and business in Cleveland.

“Council is committed to supporting business in the Redlands, and we had received feedback that the current two-hour zones were having a negative impact.

“We hope the extended parking hours will encourage people to visit Cleveland and spend more time, and their money, in this central business hub.”

At Wellington Point Reserve there will be a three-month trial, allowing cars to park in 12 of the cars-with-trailers parking bays between the hours of 1pm-10pm each day.

The shared parking bays will be in the first row of car trailer parking adjacent to the toilet block and will be clearly signed.

The Wellington Point trial will also include two 15-minute drop-off zones, one located near the western playground, and one near the southern boat ramp.

Division 1 Councillor Wendy Boglary said the Wellington Point shared parking trial was a new approach in the ongoing challenge to meet the competing demands of park users.

“This trial is for a three-month period only, after which the merits of the shared parking arrangement and drop-off zones will be reviewed with further consultation,” Cr Boglary said.

Cr Williams said it was important that people did the right thing, followed parking signage and respected other park users so that everyone could make the most of the wonderful reserve.

Council will also increase its patrols of the Wellington Point Reserve and continue to enforce parking regulations.

QLD, 571 posts
22 Sep 2012 6:28AM
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I heard council might be putting a weather station on the jetty at wello has anyone heard if there going ahead with that as i was asked if my team might want to donate some $$$$

QLD, 331 posts
22 Sep 2012 8:49AM
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Select to expand quote
vando said...


Council commits to trials to tackle parking issues
19 September 2012

Thats fantastic news for everyone. Redlands Council is making a great decision despite pressure from the boating/fishing community.

Glynn better not be parking in the 15 min drop off as he is always parked in the best position at Wello.

Solar Trev
QLD, 13 posts
26 Sep 2012 10:32PM
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Just letting you guys know what is happening with Council re Wello Pt parking trial. The trial of sharing 11 trailer parks near the toilets was agreed to and also trialing two drop off zones in existing car parks, one in SE corner and one over on Western beach. The monitoring of the trial was not decided yet. They didn't agree to the use of cameras - against Council policy. So Council officers have to decide how to measure the success or otherwise of the trial. Myself and others who meet with Councillor Boglary on this are suggesting taking photographs on weekend days at say 1pm and 3pm capture a record of the trailer parks each time from the same location. We want to make sure this is a systematic approach, not just random photos from different positions.

If you want to help, please contact me at We are also taking the image of the windspeeds recorded on Sea Breeze for that day for Brisbane Airport and Peel Is. as a record as well.

Regarding an anemometer at Wello Point. Yes it is being discussed and a number of businesses and Council are looking at this - hopefully on the Jetty.

QLD, 1241 posts
27 Sep 2012 9:29AM
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Great work Trevor. Thanks for your efforts on behalf of us all on that one. It was courageous of the council to make a decision against such a fierce campaign by the boaties, glad to see common sense rule over bullying tactics.

QLD, 571 posts
27 Sep 2012 10:04AM
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Trev, that drop off spot is my parking spot?

QLD, 130 posts
27 Sep 2012 1:50PM
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Great work Trevor
I emailed council with a copy of your letter and was pleased to get a reply.

QLD, 9 posts
21 Nov 2012 11:59PM
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well, all i can say is you blokes have got us all wrong. we are happy to share our bays on windy days - which is when you want them. we are happy to share with tourists on windy days. we have no need for them then and agree it is silly for them to remain empty when there is such a shortage of parking there. all we are asking for is council to manage the parking on days forecast to be below 15 knots. it serves neither us nor tourism by sending officers down at 2pm doling out fines. we are still unable to park a trailer. tourists leave with a bitter taste in their mouths. we want council officers down there at 10am regulating the parking instead and keeping bays available for boaties on those rare days when the weather is suitable for small craft.
don't make the mistake of assuming that all boaties are fishermen. plenty of people daytrip to moreton, straddie and the southern bay islands and jet skis are very popular these days too. should these people also be deprived of their pasttime?
consider the difficulty in parking a trailer up the hill and between driveways. it is a lot easier to park a car between those driveways than a car with trailer attached.
consider the congestion at the ramp on these days when boats are left there whilst the skipper walks back down the hill, sometimes with a child left in charge.
consider the weekend morning workers who cant get out before lunch.
consider the fact that there are less bays there now than 40 years ago and also that redlands has just under 11000 registered boats.
we are not being selfish. we are volunteering to share. we are effectively waiving our right to insist on reserved parking as is deemed by qld transport. all we ask for in return is a reasonable level of service from our council on "our" allegedly rare days.
ok. you can start the abuse now...

QLD, 554 posts
22 Nov 2012 1:33PM
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dave makes a good point - maybe this issue can be reolved by addresing Queensland Tranport and having this 'right' to parking revoked.

I would have thought that all persons, not withstanding there intended use, should have equal right to use this public space.

ohhh heres some ideas:

how about paid parking that would make everybody happy hahaha

Or maybe timed parking - sometimes those boaties use those spaces for 10 hours or more!! 4 hour parking sounds fair to me

Or make it local access only - so cleveland people go to cleveland, manly to manly, wello to wello etc - you keep the tourists out.

Or tarmac the entire point, just make row upon row of parking so everyone gets a space. Sure there will be nowhere to sit and enjoy the place but at least you can get a park.

Or maybe we get the council to sell the land. That way it can be enjoyed exclusively by the wealthy owners.

Or maybe the boaties should get boat club memberships and pay for the special rights the feel they deserve. heres a link

PLenty good ideas there for you. Happy boating

QLD, 490 posts
22 Nov 2012 2:36PM
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boardboy said...
dave makes a good point - maybe this issue can be reolved by addresing Queensland Tranport and having this 'right' to parking revoked.

I would have thought that all persons, not withstanding there intended use, should have equal right to use this public space.

ohhh heres some ideas:

how about paid parking that would make everybody happy hahaha

Or maybe timed parking - sometimes those boaties use those spaces for 10 hours or more!! 4 hour parking sounds fair to me

Or make it local access only - so cleveland people go to cleveland, manly to manly, wello to wello etc - you keep the tourists out.

Or tarmac the entire point, just make row upon row of parking so everyone gets a space. Sure there will be nowhere to sit and enjoy the place but at least you can get a park.

Or maybe we get the council to sell the land. That way it can be enjoyed exclusively by the wealthy owners.

Or maybe the boaties should get boat club memberships and pay for the special rights the feel they deserve. heres a link

PLenty good ideas there for you. Happy boating

i recon your last point is spot on

3 posts
23 Nov 2012 5:07PM
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I am a boatie and wish to make the following points:

"Or maybe the boaties should get boat club memberships and pay for the special rights the feel they deserve. heres a link"

Splendid idea however there is an important issue that is forgotten here - Boaties actually pay for these car/trailer parks through our boat registration. Therefore the parks are an entitlement not a priviledge. Dave made the point that we are trying to be reasonable in this issue. There is nothing more frustrating paying ever-increasing rego fees only to be denied access to a car park on an excellent day for boating. FWIW I am also a member of the MBTBC.

Or maybe timed parking - sometimes those boaties use those spaces for 10 hours or more!! 4 hour parking sounds fair to me

That would be fine except some boaties go offshore - to get there may take up to 4 hours. That would make a return trip 8 hours without doing any activity at your destination. 4 hours is unrealistic. Some boaties also do overnight trips. Again, I refer to my point above. We pay for these spaces in our rego.

All we ask is that when the weather is good for boating, Council enforces the restricted parking bays. The vast majority of us do not care about windy days (whuich you guys would salivate over). We are more than happy for the identified car/trailer parks to be used when the weather is not suitable for most boaties. The key to this issue is determining at what point (wind speed) the enforcement of parking in these bays should cease.

Are we being unreasonable? If so, please write a letter to Transport and Main Roads demanding a reduction in our boat registration fees.


QLD, 5610 posts
23 Nov 2012 10:06PM
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If boat rego pays for car parks I (and thousands of others whos boat are not trailer boats) should get a refund. I also dont use the artificial reefs and fish cleaning facilities my exorbitant rego fees apparently pay for...My point ? Carpark entitlement has nothing to do with boat rego....Cheers.

QLD, 331 posts
24 Nov 2012 8:36AM
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At least the odd comments from boaties in this discussion are being civil and less warlike. From what I read on the other forums there was a quite a negative view/perceptive towards windsurfers. I think there is a strong windsurfing/kitesurfing community in Brisbane and most (not all) of us are middle aged professional people. And when its windy from the SW allot of us go to wello.

Whats my point? I dont know, the wind outside looks light and I want to go for a sail.

QLD, 211 posts
24 Nov 2012 11:27AM
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i agree with the boaties im a kiter a boater and a jetskiier and the car parks clearly state trailers only, which is fair there aint that many of them and the place is actually a boat ramp??? so many times ive seen tickets on cars with trailers parked where they can because some muppet has parked one car in a boat trailer carpark, its just life its the same deal with those parents with prams parks at the shops or the mini van ones theres a few there and if you dont have either u dont park there just out of simple respect so everybody has a fair go, i know it drives u nuts when ur driving around wello and theres no where to park and you can see a few boat trailer spots open buts thats life end of the day you can park a bit up the road and walk down thats a bit harder to do with a trailer , its all give and take

QLD, 6481 posts
24 Nov 2012 7:40PM
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speaking of muppets....i watched a young guy and his girlfriend in a skyline, drive up to the dog poo bag dispenser at the boat ramp, girlfriend reaches out the window, grabs the first bag on the roll, and they drive off down the road pulling a 300m long line of bags behind the car


Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

"Wello Parking issues" started by Carindale