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Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

Wello Parking issues

Created by Carindale > 9 months ago, 18 Sep 2012
QLD, 581 posts
27 Nov 2012 11:52AM
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I parked in my usual spot on the western side of Wello on Sunday arvo I had a sail for 2 hours when I came in I was asked by Shano did you get a ticket I said no why is that he said cause your parked in the new loading zone I said what the hell as he was pointing at the new signs I quickly looked for a ticket thank god there was none.
I asked Shano why he had not told me before he said he thought I was just taking the chance I said no way I don't want a ticket so everyone take note if you don't want a ticket the best parking spot is only 15mins now.
Bloody council they have taken my spot Brrrrrr

QLD, 554 posts
27 Nov 2012 1:15PM
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lol - I just thought you were being a bad ass Glynn haha

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
27 Nov 2012 1:50PM
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Angryant said...
Splendid idea however there is an important issue that is forgotten here - Boaties actually pay for these car/trailer parks through our boat registration.

No you don't. I pay rego on my cage trailer, what special entitlements am I paying for?

QLD, 1241 posts
27 Nov 2012 3:28PM
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Angryant said...

I am a boatie and wish to make the following points:

"Or maybe the boaties should get boat club memberships and pay for the special rights the feel they deserve. heres a link"

Splendid idea however there is an important issue that is forgotten here - Boaties actually pay for these car/trailer parks through our boat registration. Therefore the parks are an entitlement not a priviledge. Dave made the point that we are trying to be reasonable in this issue. There is nothing more frustrating paying ever-increasing rego fees only to be denied access to a car park on an excellent day for boating. FWIW I am also a member of the MBTBC.

Or maybe timed parking - sometimes those boaties use those spaces for 10 hours or more!! 4 hour parking sounds fair to me

That would be fine except some boaties go offshore - to get there may take up to 4 hours. That would make a return trip 8 hours without doing any activity at your destination. 4 hours is unrealistic. Some boaties also do overnight trips. Again, I refer to my point above. We pay for these spaces in our rego.

All we ask is that when the weather is good for boating, Council enforces the restricted parking bays. The vast majority of us do not care about windy days (whuich you guys would salivate over). We are more than happy for the identified car/trailer parks to be used when the weather is not suitable for most boaties. The key to this issue is determining at what point (wind speed) the enforcement of parking in these bays should cease.

Are we being unreasonable? If so, please write a letter to Transport and Main Roads demanding a reduction in our boat registration fees.


Hi Angryant,

The last thing windsurfers want is to exclude the boaties from their parking. A lot of us are also boaties and there is nothing worse than not being able to park the trailer when the boat is flapping about on the dock.

My point to the council was that they have made the area so family friendly that they are getting a lot of cars there from families having a picknic at the back park and therefore there is more traffic.

What I find is that if you are going to go for a trip in the boat you normally leave early in the morning or before noon at least before the seabreeze kicks in. Most other users will arrive around noon when they may want lunch or a windsurf/kite (when the wind is up). My suggestion was to make it a shared zone after 11.00am so that there were not empty spaces there when the weather isn't suitable for boaties. If you are out in your boat it doesn't affect you because you will already have a spot. I guess it would only be an issue if it was a really dead calm day and you had decided to go out late in the day but from experience this is a rare occurance.

It won't be windsurfers causing the issue because we only go out in numbers when it is really windy and what we find on days like this there are stacks of free spots and we can't park in them because the council fine us.

QLD, 554 posts
27 Nov 2012 3:58PM
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spot on Scott.

QLD, 1 posts
27 Nov 2012 9:12PM
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i agree with a few comments that the parking is cap. you get that everywhere, i haven't sailed there but next chance i get im heading out with my missus for a sail. where is the best place to to head out??? all suggestions will be appreciated

QLD, 9 posts
27 Nov 2012 9:16PM
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i agree scott. let me state that we have no beef with windsurfers. our issue is with council. they created the problem at the point. fancy building a second playground on the se side when all that space could have been allocated to parking. they used absolutely zero foresight. this shared parking trial will achieve nothing. another 24 cars can park legally. so what? we've been sharing the whole carpark for a long time now. on days we need them they have been filled along with another 30 or more. the trial itself is almost laughable. my enquiries to wendy boglary as to how this trial was to be measured and what would constitute a success or a failure got me this reply:

The recommendation from officers is that as there is no budget approved for information to be collected the assessment will only consist of

· -local laws carrying out normal regulated parking enforcement and monitoring

· Customer complaints.

this has got to be some sort of a joke. how does that measure anything?
and what about the 12 bays they selected for the trial. the FIRST twelve bays on the right entering the carpark. would council have us believe that car number 25 will keep on going?

apparently our council can run a multimillion dollar budget and a population of 150000 odd but are unable to manage a car park.

i will also add that the rego that we are referring to as "paying" for our parking is not trailer rego but boat rego. it is paid to maritime safety qld who remit part thereof to council. that is why the parking signs specify boat trailer parking only.
and the problem we have with the "you should go out early" line is that a lot of boaties work weekend mornings. many apprentices and retail workers have no choice. boats are not cheap (boaties joke that boat is short for bring out another thousand) and people work to pay for the pleasure of using them. we believe the only solution is council manage the parking with a traffic warden on days forecast 15 knots and under and keep a reasonable number of bays available for trailers on those days. it's not rocket science.
i see no reason why windsurfers should have a problem with our plan because if we get what we want you will end up with the whole carpark on the days you want. i would even go so far as to suggest you help rather than hinder us.

QLD, 331 posts
27 Nov 2012 9:28PM
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Glynn Merrit said...
I parked in my usual spot on the western side of Wello on Sunday arvo I had a sail for 2 hours when I came in I was asked by Shano did you get a ticket I said no why is that he said cause your parked in the new loading zone I said what the hell as he was pointing at the new signs I quickly looked for a ticket thank god there was none.
I asked Shano why he had not told me before he said he thought I was just taking the chance I said no way I don't want a ticket so everyone take note if you don't want a ticket the best parking spot is only 15mins now.
Bloody council they have taken my spot Brrrrrr

Hahaha I knew they would take your spot, but it is the best spot for unloading the gear. 😜

QLD, 331 posts
27 Nov 2012 9:32PM
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boardboy said...
spot on Scott.

You are the man Scott. I totally agree with u.

QLD, 152 posts
28 Nov 2012 8:26AM
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Well- looks like the council have created a great situation- by getting one group (boaties) at defcon level 4 war footing with another group (windsurfers)- to fight a battle the council does not want to be involved in. So what comes next- perhaps a user pays parking permit system where the fees will, at first be low and everyone will go- yeah but the permit to park at wello is only $5, but then next year it becomes $12- then a couple of years down the track a parking permit, payable to the council to allow you to park in the area near the boat ramp/ rigging area could cost $150 a year. Why because the council will say it eases the parking problem by only having those with (paid) permits parking there- and all the time they collect the revenue under the belief that they will regulate, control and improve the situation and facilities. So lets all play like they want us to and continue to disagree and fight with one another- so it makes it easier for the council to get what they want- another income stream.

QLD, 554 posts
28 Nov 2012 2:13PM
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id support a user pays system as handyman suggests.

And before any smart mouth boaty jumps up and down saying they already pay, I am a:
Tax payer
Rate Payer
Trailer registration payer
Boat registration payer
Car registration payer
........just like everyone else.

remember - if its free its compromised, if you want gotta pay.

QLD, 152 posts
28 Nov 2012 3:01PM
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My concern is that a low cost system will be introduced under the idea that it is low cost and to benefit all- but once it is in place, being a council/ government based structure will, without fail, have massive cost increases. A case of supply and demand- you want it- are you prepared to pay for it- and how much are you prepared to pay?

jimbob SA
SA, 993 posts
29 Nov 2012 10:26AM
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just buy a chaep old rusty boat tralier to use everytime you go sailing and then you are allowed to park it in the boat bays, have heard that is what some crew in adelaide do at seacliff which has the same problem.

QLD, 9 posts
29 Nov 2012 7:12PM
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handyman0708 said...
My concern is that a low cost system will be introduced under the idea that it is low cost and to benefit all- but once it is in place, being a council/ government based structure will, without fail, have massive cost increases. A case of supply and demand- you want it- are you prepared to pay for it- and how much are you prepared to pay?

as trailer parking is governed by the transport department and not the council you will have a job lobbying for paid trailer parking. there is none in qld. as for smart mouth boaties the only smart mouth comments i have seen on this thread are from windsurfers. you could learn some forum manners.

3 posts
5 Dec 2012 5:27PM
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Richiefish said...
If boat rego pays for car parks I (and thousands of others whos boat are not trailer boats) should get a refund. I also dont use the artificial reefs and fish cleaning facilities my exorbitant rego fees apparently pay for...My point ? Carpark entitlement has nothing to do with boat rego....Cheers.

As Dave said, we have no issues with you guys but we need to make a stand otherwise what we legitimately pay for will dissolve over time with Council as has been clearly demonstrated to this point.Boat rego DOES contribute to carparking at boat ramps regardless of whether it is a trailer boat or not.

My understanding is that arti reefs etc. are paid for through allocations from consolidated revenue and fish cleaning facilities are paid through Council allocation.

*** Take note where boaties have to park on Australia Day because day trippers have taken their parks by 9.00am. You'll see boat trailers parked some 700 - 900m up Main Street.

QLD, 5610 posts
5 Dec 2012 8:19PM
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Angryant said...
Richiefish said...
If boat rego pays for car parks I (and thousands of others whos boat are not trailer boats) should get a refund. I also dont use the artificial reefs and fish cleaning facilities my exorbitant rego fees apparently pay for...My point ? Carpark entitlement has nothing to do with boat rego....Cheers.

As Dave said, we have no issues with you guys but we need to make a stand otherwise what we legitimately pay for will dissolve over time with Council as has been clearly demonstrated to this point.Boat rego DOES contribute to carparking at boat ramps regardless of whether it is a trailer boat or not.

My understanding is that arti reefs etc. are paid for through allocations from consolidated revenue and fish cleaning facilities are paid through Council allocation.

*** Take note where boaties have to park on Australia Day because day trippers have taken their parks by 9.00am. You'll see boat trailers parked some 700 - 900m up Main Street.

My boat rego is about $400. How many carparks do I get?.. As for public holidays I find it best to avoid Wello entirely.

QLD, 259 posts
5 Dec 2012 9:45PM
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It is clear to anyone going to Wello Point that the area is more about the day trippers. Lets face that fact. If council changes the rules, then we have to deal with that. Sure you can complain and and also try and vote out the council members at the next election, but that's not a fast and efficient nor fool proof option.

As an alternative, I would suggest boaties should keep it in mind that less than 12 klms away is the Manly boat harbour with 2 major boat ramps and alot more dedicated trailer parking with not much chance of day trippers getting in the way due to the segregation of the boat ramps from the parks and BBQ areas.

I know it wont suit all boaties, but its an option to keep in mind.

If I cant get a park at Wello to sail, then I simply head over to Manly or Wynnum.

QLD, 9 posts
5 Jan 2013 10:16AM
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here is a youtube video of wello pt new years day 2013. 34 trailer bays used by boaties, the remaining 41 taken by single cars. this was the case from 11am and there were no bays available until after 4 pm.

QLD, 331 posts
5 Jan 2013 10:32AM
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Mmmm I was there in the afternoon on boxing day about 2pm at low tide. It was dead calm. Trailer parks were 10% used and day tripper park were maxed at 95%. I have photos if required.

QLD, 9 posts
5 Jan 2013 11:25AM
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no need. i have them already. here is the shared parking bays at 11.38 am - an hour and a half before they are legally available to single cars.

QLD, 554 posts
5 Jan 2013 12:11PM
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dave - your videos and photos make me laugh.
You really do not play well with others.

QLD, 3417 posts
5 Jan 2013 12:52PM
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Gee dont tell me its full down there all ready argh i hate xmas holidays.

QLD, 331 posts
5 Jan 2013 12:53PM
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daveanderson said...

no need. i have them already. here is the shared parking bays at 11.38 am - an hour and a half before they are legally available to single cars.

Haha maybe you should be a parking inspector!!! You are already doing the work.

QLD, 490 posts
5 Jan 2013 1:39PM
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daveanderson said...

no need. i have them already. here is the shared parking bays at 11.38 am - an hour and a half before they are legally available to single cars.

Bit hypocritical isn't it dave your having a little cry over people parking in spots because its illegal and your clearly driving around in a car with a expired rego label. I think its actually a bigger fine than illegal parking.

QLD, 9 posts
5 Jan 2013 2:39PM
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yeah. my bad. new label is on.

QLD, 9 posts
5 Jan 2013 2:42PM
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i'm sure you blokes would have a different attitude if you were banned from windsurfing there. councils failure to keep trailer bays available amounts to the same thing for a lot of ramp users.

QLD, 490 posts
5 Jan 2013 8:37PM
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daveanderson said...
i'm sure you blokes would have a different attitude if you were banned from windsurfing there. councils failure to keep trailer bays available amounts to the same thing for a lot of ramp users.

No one is banning you from fishing there , they're just cutting back your special privileges that probably shouldn't even exist to start with . If there is no parking spaces left i cant go windsurfing and alot of other people cant have fish and chips by the water .

QLD, 9 posts
6 Jan 2013 5:49AM
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Simon100 said...
daveanderson said...
i'm sure you blokes would have a different attitude if you were banned from windsurfing there. councils failure to keep trailer bays available amounts to the same thing for a lot of ramp users.

No one is banning you from fishing there , they're just cutting back your special privileges that probably shouldn't even exist to start with . If there is no parking spaces left i cant go windsurfing and alot of other people cant have fish and chips by the water .

good thing there are smarter people in the world or we would have 4m long bus stops too? as previously explained it is easier to find space to park a car at the top of the hill than one with a trailer. it is called common courtesy and consideration for your fellow man. have you not heard of it?

VIC, 190 posts
6 Jan 2013 11:56AM
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I am a boaty and windurfer and as I rarely use this spot my comment is purely from the perspective of an ousider looking in .

Firstly I appreciate the fustration of finding a park with trailer while your mate holds the boat in the water ( Mooloolaba can fill by 4 in the morning when the conditions are perfect )

If for one minute you think that you can decide on New years day any public holiday and or Sunday take the boat down at miday to a very popular site for picnicers windsurfers Kites and boaties , and on arrival be shocked or frustrated that there is no parks at anytime beyond 9 am then you are, quite frankly ,smoking crack .

QLD, 490 posts
6 Jan 2013 12:00PM
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daveanderson said...
Simon100 said...
daveanderson said...
i'm sure you blokes would have a different attitude if you were banned from windsurfing there. councils failure to keep trailer bays available amounts to the same thing for a lot of ramp users.

No one is banning you from fishing there , they're just cutting back your special privileges that probably shouldn't even exist to start with . If there is no parking spaces left i cant go windsurfing and alot of other people cant have fish and chips by the water .

good thing there are smarter people in the world or we would have 4m long bus stops too? as previously explained it is easier to find space to park a car at the top of the hill than one with a trailer. it is called common courtesy and consideration for your fellow man. have you not heard of it?

why would we have 4 km long bus stops the buses run in a scheduled they know only one will be there at a time i dont get what your saying .Common courtesy would SHARING not trying to have 100 parking spots put aside encase you might want to use them .
Now go back to trying to out whit a fish by dangling a hook with shiny thing in the water and get off our forum , your argument with be with every one not windsurfers , if there was special parking spots we would need them before you as we have to carry our gear to the water and it takes about 3 trips , you have everything on a trailer and in your boat but none of us are asking for special treatment .


Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

"Wello Parking issues" started by Carindale