Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

Whata we want ???

Created by Richiefish > 9 months ago, 6 Nov 2011
QLD, 5610 posts
6 Nov 2011 1:15PM
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QLD, 492 posts
6 Nov 2011 3:22PM
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sorry folks but i don't want any wind for awhlie, at least untill my knee gets better.
I reinjured it trying to practice doing forwards again. Its been many years since i last tried. I never made it around back then but with the advent of u tube it gets you thinking again. I was also practicing the cheese roll. I'm probably getting to old as things seem to take longer to heal. I'm hoping only for a feww weeks , will go see a doc or physio next week.

so please mr huey no wind for awhile.


did i mention i did it on my boys trampoline stupid 45yr old doing windsurfing tricks on tramp no sympathy from me, was the comment from the mrs

QLD, 5610 posts
6 Nov 2011 7:36PM
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All the best with that Lungs,but what I was hoping for was a "When do we want it ?" ...NOW !!!

QLD, 226 posts
6 Nov 2011 8:25PM
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QLD, 2995 posts
6 Nov 2011 9:57PM
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lungs said...

sorry folks but i don't want any wind for awhlie, at least untill my knee gets better.
I reinjured it trying to practice doing forwards again. Its been many years since i last tried. I never made it around back then but with the advent of u tube it gets you thinking again. I was also practicing the cheese roll. I'm probably getting to old as things seem to take longer to heal. I'm hoping only for a feww weeks , will go see a doc or physio next week.

so please mr huey no wind for awhile.


did i mention i did it on my boys trampoline stupid 45yr old doing windsurfing tricks on tramp no sympathy from me, was the comment from the mrs

Forwards on the kids' trampoline. . .

WA, 732 posts
6 Nov 2011 8:56PM
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I can sympathies Lungs,
Spent 6 YEARS off the skis waiting for my knee to repair after a bad "helicopter" landing- and i was only 35....


Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

"Whata we want ???" started by Richiefish