Hello, I'm going live in Noosa for 5 months.
I am bi of windsurfing champion of my city here in Brazil and try to make many friends there. I'm study in the Global Village.
What is the proper place to sail in Noosa?
The person who is in the middle of the picture is the Paulão (Starboard/ Severne), 4 times champion Brazil. We are very friend of Wilhelm Shurmann too. The others live in Ilhabela (location of the photo)
See you.
Noosa has great windsurfing Mr windsurf champ!!
The river mouth is good for flat water and on shore wave slop in a north east wind.
You can sail flat water/bump and jump conditions at Lake Cootharaba in any wind except a westerly.Lake weyba is good for flat water blasting in a westerly.
The open beaches are great down the line wave conditions in a northely and the best thing is you have no crowds to deal with when it does actualy blow..
There are many more places to sail around the sunshine coast which you will find out about when you get there.
was just there a month back and the mouth of the river seems to be a bit deeper again which is good. u could now even sail across it at low tide. the kiters must have found somewhere else to kite as there were none there?? used to be like currumbin with 20 of them wanting to fit into an area the size of a fishbowl