Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

Windsurfer hit by jetski Monday 3pm Gold Coast

Created by sonic > 9 months ago, 1 Mar 2011
Mistral Nick
QLD, 370 posts
17 May 2011 6:11PM
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and you know what, the idiot (leader) went through the middle of sailors at S.W on Sunday, Haircut saw it and shrugged as if to say what can you do!

NSW, 9202 posts
18 May 2011 12:38PM
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tonyd said...

Anybody see Jetski surfaris fool proof training setup on The Great South East (channel 7) last night. What a ****ing joke.

Crash course?

QLD, 2 posts
20 May 2011 9:45AM
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Thank you for all your Best Wishes for a speedy recovery!
I still have the external fixation on my leg with the 2 halos, and 14 steel rods. It has nearly been for 11 weeks.
Going back to the Orthopaedic Surgeon next thursday to review the progress.

I really do hope this steel work will come off soon, its hard to go for a run around the block.

Missing everyone at windsurfing, I wish everyone Safe Sailing.

NSW, 9202 posts
20 May 2011 10:35AM
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Lotta seems appropriate

Can I ask what it was that happened? Did he come in from leeward/blind side? Perhaps he was trying to come really close and turn, but closed the throttle/no steering? Was he just completely blind?

From experience some jetskis just keep driving at us with a dumb look on their face, expecting us to fly out of the way like a seagull or something.

Also, are the cuts from surgeon or accident? The fin? All the cuts on my leg are from a fin. Damn fins.

And generally: OUCH!

da vecta
QLD, 2512 posts
20 May 2011 12:10PM
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Hi Lotta,

Great to see some progress but still a fair way to go I guess.

That is an awesome first post and image though.

Speedy recovery!

Da Vecta

QLD, 2 posts
20 May 2011 12:25PM
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I was sailing towards seaworld, it was such a quiet day. There was only 3 windsurfers out. Very little traffic being a Monday!

I saw the jetski a fair distance away, and thought he would veer away, but no such luck. Within a few seconds he slammed straight into me.
The driver according to the news, was very inexperienced, his first time on a jet ski.
The injury from the jet ski was an open compound plateau fracture, to the tibia.
The patella tendon was severed, so you can see that the scar is partly from surgery to reattach the tendon and piece together the shattered bone.

I can't believe this has happened!

QLD, 397 posts
20 May 2011 1:02PM
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Cant even begin to imagine what those injuries would be like Linda. Hope you get mobile soon

QLD, 1241 posts
20 May 2011 3:17PM
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Nasty image and one that really brings home the extent and incapacitating nature of the injuries you have suffered.

It was great to hear the positive tone in your voice yesterday on the phone, I am pretty sure I would not have been so up-beat if I were in your situation. It is that brave attitude that will hopefully see you back on the water sailing again - lets hope sooner than later.

QLD, 382 posts
20 May 2011 6:57PM
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All the best Lotta!! You'll be on the water soonish!

NSW, 106 posts
21 May 2011 12:14PM
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Hey Linda - do you get to keep the brace? I reckon you could make a great downhaul system from it! Good to see you back on the web and hopefully back on the water soon as well

Mistral Nick
QLD, 370 posts
21 May 2011 4:36PM
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Hi Linda, can't wait to see you on the water again still kicking our arses.

QLD, 756 posts
22 May 2011 9:00AM
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Ouch...................take care if you need anything let me know.

Can i ask and if you dont ansewer i understand, you can send a private message also, but legaly are you taking this further at very least loss of earnings and medical bills/

1 posts
23 May 2011 4:04PM
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THIS WILL BE LONG, BUT SHOULD BE READ BY ALL WHO SAIL AT THE TRAIN. Firstly, the Gold Coast City Council has no Jursdiction over the Broadwater whatsoever, only the land adjoining the water. As an example,the woman who has her booking van at the Train for the jetski business is there because the GCCC forced the previous owners to re-locate from near The Grand hotel. In other words, she has no choice. The parking problems at the Train are caused by office workers (wankers) parking there all day, not the jetski clients. Several letters have been sent to GCCC and the only result was that one Council idiot wrote back to advise that they would investigate to ensure there was no illegal parking taking place. Incidentally, the woman's husband/partner who runs the on water side of the business over adjacent to the Seaworld shoreline, abused me recently for sailing over to the Seaworld shore to turn around. These jetski businesses think they own the water, but in fact have NO EXCLUSIVE right to any particular body of water including the one they are designated to use, and that comes straight from Marine Operations Southport. You should be aware of that at all times when sailing on the Broadwater. For this cheeky bastard's trouble, I cast grave doubts on his parentage and invited him to go forth and multiply, or words to that general effect. You should treat any abuse of your right to sail in the same way.
I believe the blogger 'NixonNS' may in fact be associated with the jetski business that uses the 2 blue buoys which interfere with our N/E wind run and which were featured in a recent photo posted here. The sum total of 2 years work by me with Marine Operations to have them moved is that the operator has only agreed not to use that site on N/E wind days!! If you are sailing on a N/E and they are there, bear in mind both their agreement and that they have no exclusive rights anyway. If you have problems, notify Greg Turner at Marine operations as they tend to rely on complaints to know what's going on out on the water.
The Water Police have flick passed the prosecution of Jetski Safaris over Linda's accident to Marine Safety. They will be lucky to get a slap on the wrist: if it ever gets to Court at all. On the day after Linda's accident, Kurt Mitchell one of the 2 Brothers who run Jetski Safaris, was interviewed on Channel 10 and stated " we have been operating for 10 years and never had a problem". Well, the Water Police and the solicitors engaged by Linda disagree as they have both had cases agaist this operator before.
Linda is coping extremely well with her confinement, and will learn next week if she has to undergo yet further surgery.

QLD, 756 posts
24 May 2011 9:17AM
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Well said and in some ways all is covered in previous entries prior, all incidents should be reported and your right i to have been told NOBODY OWNS THE BROAWATER AND THERE IS NO EXCLUSIVE USE, A KITE SCHOOL TRIED THE SAME A FEW YEARS AGO WITH THE MIDDLE SAND BANK.

Its an ongoing saga and with more to come, be careful out there and remember theres a lot more than just jetskis to watch out for!

QLD, 673 posts
24 May 2011 10:50AM
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I think you have taken acupuncture to the next level

QLD, 130 posts
24 May 2011 8:47PM
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Hi Linda
Hope you are soon mended and back sailing.
Over the years I have loved sailing at the Broadwater and often have taken our caravan down to the park for the weekend.(I have referred to it as Bonny Doon, after the Castle.)
I thought it was great that everyone was able to share that section of water safely.
When we have a seaplane using it.
Jetboat tours
Boats of all shapes and sizes, mobile and moored
Even where the drums were out from the caravan park ,the jetskiers seemed to keep to that area.
It now seems we have a predator in our midst ,who wants the whole area to himself.

Mistral Nick
QLD, 370 posts
25 May 2011 6:31PM
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Just read an article on Linda in the Gold Coast Sun. Peta Croft MP was asked for a comment on Broadwater usage and stated that there would have to be more planning.
Didn't the government just spend a year taking submissions prior to developing the parkland and wasn't there earmarked an area for passive water sports in the channel of the Train? And they need more planning?

QLD, 241 posts
25 May 2011 6:45PM
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Jeepers, so sad to see that happen to a decent & friendly fellow windsurfer. :(

Holding thumbs for you! For a full recovery so that you can start enjoying life/windsurfing again.


Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

"Windsurfer hit by jetski Monday 3pm Gold Coast" started by sonic