bout frickin time,
this low has been on again off again on the models since december. finally all of the models have somehting happening.
some even have it moving SSE to SEQ, hope so.
might dust off the 4.7kaos and 84lt rrd wave board.
just a heads up that EC model is starting to show a cyclone forming in the gulf and heading east across northern qld then around 22nd boubling back and crossing the coast near Cooktown.
GFS which goes further out but is less accurate for cyclones has another forming around the end of the month and traveleing south down the coast towards fraser.
still a long way out, but at least the models are now starting to show lows on the east coast as the last month and a half they haven't shown much at all.
yeah, free to all.
i am led to beleive that the bom wind maps are based on the top one.
guru is based on the bottom one.
one thing i've always noticed is that at this time of year long periods of no wind are followed up with cyclones.
those weeks of windless hot days come with a payback.
but again that's a model and there are 2 big lows out NE currently.
take a look at the gfs image i posted above for the 28th. almost the same pic as the one above from EC
think i might get the small gear out.
i also like the pretty pictures
green, yellow, red, blue, magenta........ circle circle circle..........
that's something we should do as a welcome party,
take choco sailing in a cyclone
pierre can shoot arrows at him so he stays out.
this page is excellent for those that like to watc hthe cyclones in oz.
it is the satelite data and includes time based animations of just about anything you want to know about a particular cyclone