Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

order placed!

Created by md74 > 9 months ago, 17 Aug 2009
QLD, 1064 posts
17 Aug 2009 10:50PM
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well lads looks like I will have to say goodbye to this side of the forum soon, im heading down the forum list one notch.

Pencilled in an order today for some flying plastic stuff with really long stringy things.

If you see me in my regular haunts, please try not to throw sand at me or let my tyres down.

In the words of the Marrickville Mauler, "I loves ya all"

seeya on the water soon, ill be the one with the yellow boardies with pink dots.

QLD, 382 posts
17 Aug 2009 11:31PM
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I hope we'll never see a photo of you here:

Have fun!

QLD, 1064 posts
17 Aug 2009 11:33PM
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wow nasty stuff, looks like a night out at Swell tavern!

Actually I think I will still buy some high wind windsurfing gear, maybe just 1 board, 1 sail, 1 mast, for 25kn plus days, that would be a good mix!

da vecta
QLD, 2512 posts
17 Aug 2009 11:44PM
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No Judas [}:)]

QLD, 5283 posts
18 Aug 2009 12:06AM
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as he put his boardie over his wettie i could tell from the telltail saliva dripping from the corner of his mouth that there was no saving him from the inevitable.

the best thing is that it is just another skill that he has under his belt'

check out the shadows!

QLD, 1064 posts
18 Aug 2009 6:40AM
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crikey greenie you are good with photoshop my legs look real!

QLD, 2081 posts
19 Aug 2009 12:06AM
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Congratulations... How could you change from the best water sport there is on this forum!!! Kiting Windsurfing

I'm sure the regulars you sail with, will sail past you lot slower faster than you kiting and will have a chuckle...

Now u can teach me how to windsurf... You never know... I might just 'change sides too'...

QLD, 5283 posts
19 Aug 2009 1:18AM
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nice one liz )the best thing about harnessing the wind is as mal has felt that windsurfing in the goldy shorebreak has not presented him with enough 20 knot days to punch through it, then kiting may be an alternative for those light days in the surf as a lot of us dedicated windsurfers have turned to.

windsurfing rulz.

kitesurfing is a good skill to addd

20+ windsurf yeah

QLD, 1064 posts
19 Aug 2009 6:52AM
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plus I drive a SmartCar and cant fit the windsurfing gear in, the kiting kit fits a bit better, I only have to leave the passenger window down.

Im guessing while the windsurf boys are goig faster Ill be able to look down from about 10m in the air and watch them below.

Im actually kind of done with the speed thing, jumping is my thing, so i cant wait to get my boost on.

However I have been tagged speed for speed by a few kiters at Shearwater before, that does suprise me.

Its all a big adventure and i love a challenge, nothingh worse than sitting in a rut.

Cant wait!

QLD, 5610 posts
19 Aug 2009 9:27AM
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What about jumping out of a plane at 10000 feet with your kitesurfing gear ? Talk about BOOST !!! Imagine how many high dangle board twisties you could do on the way down. I reckon the first kiter to do "that' will be a legend !!(seriously)

NSW, 9202 posts
19 Aug 2009 3:15PM
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plus I drive a SmartCar

Oh my god...

How much is it for a "go"? (Greeny?) I might be kite-curious. I'm just not sure a kite has as much personality as windsurf gear. It is not a compact little package that looks good just laying on the beach. It has all these long dangly bits. And they don't so much jump as fly like a chook.

How was your sail Mal? More info needed.

Still, in the surf in light winds you can't complain can you? Flat water I can get planing with most kites on a 7.2, which is all I need for a cruisy summer afternoon

WA, 6277 posts
19 Aug 2009 2:35PM
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Onya MD,

Kites are definitely the answer for where you are if you're after waves.

Here on the other hand... the kite I bought has lain dormant for months due to never having a 10-15 knot day!

As Greeny says, it's a good skill to have in your arsenal.

QLD, 5610 posts
19 Aug 2009 4:41PM
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a good skill to have in your what ??? 'nal.....

QLD, 298 posts
19 Aug 2009 6:08PM
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Richiefish said...

What about jumping out of a plane at 10000 feet with your kitesurfing gear ? Talk about BOOST !!! Imagine how many high dangle board twisties you could do on the way down. I reckon the first kiter to do "that' will be a legend !!(seriously)

Been done, maybe not out of a plane but close enough.

QLD, 5610 posts
19 Aug 2009 6:44PM
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thats pretty damn good but.....Id like to see him land it and continue kitesurfing on the water with the same rig.

QLD, 1064 posts
19 Aug 2009 7:44PM
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thanks nebs, you know the answer is true, if we had 20 knot days over and over I would be 100% windsurf, but alas..........

Looking forward to adding a skill, and something to add to surfing when the wind blows out our local beaches, that is the northerlies, when it blows from the south the surfing down on the southern end of the coast is usually awesome.

I will agree with evil, windsurf kits looks cool on the beach, but that is where my gear mostly is, sitting on the beach! While I watch kiters up and down the coast.

QLD, 756 posts
20 Aug 2009 4:14PM
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First you desert the wiggles and hand your yellow shirt in now its the sail board, i did note you said you might get some high wind windsurfing kit so you have left that door open. All the best though.


Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

"order placed!" started by md74