Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

shearwater tomorrow? (sat 1-11-08)

Created by Haircut > 9 months ago, 31 Oct 2008
QLD, 6481 posts
31 Oct 2008 8:34PM
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good tide

NSW, 9202 posts
1 Nov 2008 10:49AM
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Sounds good.

da vecta
QLD, 2512 posts
1 Nov 2008 10:06AM
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see you there after lunch. (don't tell me about yesterday though)

QLD, 6481 posts
1 Nov 2008 12:04PM
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its windy and i'm orf

NSW, 9202 posts
1 Nov 2008 1:22PM
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It's bloody windy. Smallest is 5.7.

I'll bring a chair.

QLD, 333 posts
1 Nov 2008 12:38PM
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Shweet! Looks good - im there - leaving now - cya soon!


QLD, 6481 posts
1 Nov 2008 9:09PM
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QLD, 1064 posts
1 Nov 2008 9:19PM
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haircut you are a genious mate! awesome pics for a 15 minute shoot session!

Man I kind of felt that boost off the chop I hit was decent, guess it was.

QLD, 6481 posts
1 Nov 2008 9:32PM
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i didn't even get you at the peak of it. awesome jump awesome day

QLD, 246 posts
1 Nov 2008 10:40PM
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two great days in a row- who would have thought!
Nice height in the jump there MD!!

QLD, 5283 posts
1 Nov 2008 11:09PM
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MD's fully over the playground equipment!

straight to the pool room with that print!

QLD, 333 posts
1 Nov 2008 11:41PM
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gold coast city council are so strict on thier sponsorship rules... they wont let you go anywhere without talking up how good thier roadworking skills are :)

Great day - cheers for the pics haircut - some good ones in there!!!

so much fun today - was awesome wind and made it better that it wasnt really expected.

was pretty hectic in the middle there today, there was come great ramps though!

hopefully there is some left over tom.......

da vecta
QLD, 2512 posts
2 Nov 2008 12:10PM
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Nice photos Haircut!!

I would like to say that Will's hat was the most stupid looking but mine doesn't look much better i now know.

Will - you better check the fine print on your contract, I think you need a flouro orange vest too.

Who is that big Euro man launching? Wait is that MD? Gee those Mermaid sessions must be paying off.

Nice sailing fellas. See you next time.

Poor Haircut must be camera shy, there's never any of him!!

NSW, 9202 posts
2 Nov 2008 2:56PM
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da vecta said...

Poor Haircut must be camera shy, there's never any of him!!


These are from a long way off with a very short lens, 70mm. Cropped about 95% of the image, thus not the sharpest.


I got blown away, literally. Played chaseys with my unrigged sail across the park. Before I left I noticed I was leaning into the wind when walking. 30 knots?

Beyond my skill level (and quiver) but still fun

QLD, 333 posts
2 Nov 2008 2:08PM
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sweet shot that first one!! The water looks so good - such an awesome session - want to be back out there.

QLD, 382 posts
2 Nov 2008 5:31PM
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Guys, that is torture!


Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

"shearwater tomorrow? (sat 1-11-08)" started by Haircut