Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

some advice and info needed please

Created by sailordude > 9 months ago, 5 Oct 2011
QLD, 19 posts
5 Oct 2011 11:48PM
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Hi guys!

I'm new to this forum. We're moving to Brisbane in the new year. I'm a bump and jump sailor originally from South Africa but been living in Ireland for many years now, it's time to see a bit of sun again and dust of the cobwebs as there is not too much wind this side (east coast of Ireland that is).

I was wondering whether its worth while bringing all my kit along or should I sell some of the gear here.

I have been trailing the on-line sites and roughly know the spots, however I cannot really establish the general wind statistics as only a windsurfer will know. It appears to me its generally starboard tack jumping (thank god!) with breezes generally from the north.

It appears to me the wind is generally 10-15knots, would that be an accurate assessment?

Is the wind quite gusty when it blows or do you get nice consistent winds?

My current quiver include a 78l bump&jump and a 104l slalom bump&jump, sails vary from 4.2 up to 6.6 although my favourite size is around the 5.0 mark.

Any advice / info will be much appreciated.

See you on the water soon.

NSW, 1353 posts
6 Oct 2011 3:03AM
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The 104 will see plenty of use around Brisbane, and ther eis enough stronger wind in spring and autumn to justify keeping teh smaller board too.
Sail size 5.0-6.5 will see plenty of use.

QLD, 2995 posts
6 Oct 2011 12:08PM
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What's your weight?

If you're moving to Brisbane it's likely you'll sail in Moreton Bay, either at Wellington point (flat to medium rough water) or at Redcliffe (medium to very rough water). Spring-Summer winds are northerlies and Summer-Winter winds are Southeasters. You will only need a light wetsuit from May to Sept. From Sept in the northerlies you just need a pair of shorts. We do get big days but a lot of the time we're on large gear in 15 knots.

I sail at Redcliffe, get out nearly 50 times per year, weigh 79kg and use the following gear:

Exocet SCross Freeride 115
Exocet Cross FSW 104
Fanatic Freewave 86

Most sailing is on the big boards spread about equally. Only 10-15% of sailing is on the 86l.

Sails are a mix of freeride and wave sails 7.5, 6.5, 5.8, 5.2, 4.5. The big end of the spectrum gets used most, small end not very often. Might use the 4.5 about four times per year.

Sailing here is not consistently windy but we do have the benefit of a year-round season and very warm weather. I love the northerlies - big faultless blue skies, really, really warm, and blue water. Southerlies come through with a bit of cloud and some rain sometimes, and are a little cooler but still pretty warm. You won't know yourself after Ireland...

There's no daylight saving so it can be hard to impossible to get a sail after work unless you live bayside and knock off at 4pm or have a flexible job. If you can try to live Bayside. Getting out of the city even on the weekend can be a test depending on where you live. Do not try the western suburbs - you'll be trapped in hell (ask me how I know).

September at Queen's Beach, Redcliffe

Dr Gas
QLD, 143 posts
6 Oct 2011 4:26PM
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Hey IKW,
Not all the chicks in Redcliffe are fat with jet ski boyfriends.
Dr G

QLD, 261 posts
6 Oct 2011 4:42PM
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This was a 39 knot SE. Don't be tricked by the photo, it is a lot bigger out back than it looks

QLD, 2995 posts
6 Oct 2011 4:46PM
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Can someone explain to me why I'm moving to NZ in the new year?

More Queen's beach:

Oops, that's too much downhaul...

QLD, 2995 posts
6 Oct 2011 4:50PM
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QLD, 2995 posts
6 Oct 2011 4:52PM
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QLD, 2995 posts
6 Oct 2011 4:58PM
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QLD, 2995 posts
6 Oct 2011 5:03PM
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QLD, 19 posts
6 Oct 2011 7:50PM
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Many thanks for all the info guys, especially the pics, which gives a real perspective on things. No matter how many times one look at the pics on google earth / maps, there are never any pics when the wind actually blows.
I was expecting Redcliffe and the bay area in general to be quite muddy dark water, but pleasantly surprised from how clear things are in the pics. A VERY welcome change to Dublin Bay.
50 sailing days a year !! Wow ! that sounds more like it, and comparable to what I got in South Africa.
Seems I'll be holding on to the smaller gear for the one off occasions, I weigh in the mid 70's and find myself usually on a size smaller than most other guys in the water.
Yep, thanks, will deffo avoid the western suburbs, was thinking somewhere in the northern suburbs along the Gympie Arterial Rd (A3) for weekend access up to the Sunshine Coast, Scarborough / Redcliffe area, obviously pending work location.
Came across this article after spending many hours on the web:
Many thanks again for your responses and hope to see you on the water soon, with the exception of IKW77, enjoy NZ !

QLD, 2995 posts
6 Oct 2011 8:45PM
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If you want to sail 50 times you will need a 7.5 and at 115liter/68cm board, a very understanding/self sufficient partner and a commitment to being there when it's blowing, including weekdays.

QLD, 492 posts
6 Oct 2011 9:42PM
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Great photos Ikw and Ulf, they show why Queens is one of the better spots on the bay

Hey Ikw are you planning on a feed of mullet as you row accross the ditch

QLD, 19 posts
6 Oct 2011 10:05PM
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ikw777 said...

If you want to sail 50 times you will need a 7.5 and at 115liter/68cm board, a very understanding/self sufficient partner and a commitment to being there when it's blowing, including weekdays.

I can do the 115l 7.5 sail.
However I'm not sure the wife understands the commitment that is required yet... then again I have many lost years to catch up on.
Thanks again.

QLD, 921 posts
6 Oct 2011 10:42PM
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Where can i find a understanding and self sufficient partner

ikw777 said...

If you want to sail 50 times you will need a 7.5 and at 115liter/68cm board, a very understanding/self sufficient partner and a commitment to being there when it's blowing, including weekdays.

QLD, 492 posts
7 Oct 2011 12:08AM
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lee1972 said...

Where can i find a understanding and self sufficient partner
ikw777 said...

If you want to sail 50 times you will need a 7.5 and at 115liter/68cm board, a very understanding/self sufficient partner and a commitment to being there when it's blowing, including weekdays.

Mrs Palmer


Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

"some advice and info needed please" started by sailordude