I think one or two people are interested in these sails so here are some shots of my new Cheetah received yesterday. It could be the first one sold in Aust.
Rigs very nicely and stated down haul and outhaul dimensions are spot on. They also align perfectly with the rigging techniques as shown in the numerous Ezzy videos. It feels very light also, significantly lighter that my 2008 Aerotech anyway.
I'm looking forward to sailing it as it will be my first step into large camless freeride sails.
Looks nice Ian, has a lot of profile for a camless sail, even towards the top of the sail, will be interesting to see how it goes
looks real nice!!! Congrats on your purchase.
Who needs cams when you have a built in profile like that!!!
I have been sailing 7.0 Cheetah, sail is very stable and wind range is great so far from 14-22 knts, without feeling overpower.
Rigging is super easy following the marks, and finally the boom adjustment match perfectly with the 3 color strings.
Luff is shorter and sail lighter now, I rigged the 7.0 on 460 and 10cm ext.
I know this isn't the Cheetah but thought I would add some images of the new Lion. Will be interesting to see how these sails progress in the next few years with KP on the team
Stacks of photos here:
I got mine 6.5 last week-end and I tried it out with 10 knots on my JP 145L
First impression:
The sail is easy to rig like any other Ezzy is; the luff is not properly correct as I had to extend my extension to 32 instead of 30 to reach the middle like, I have an Ezzy 430 mast.
The bent curve is higher than the Freeride V and you struggle a little bit to put the mast in place.
I used the sail with the medium settings and I found it really nice to ride, it is not too much heavy and you can easily tack without sinking the back on the sail at all.
I do not go mad for the battens, even with the medium setting you have to "pop" the sail after a tack/jibe.
Even with 10 knots you can easily go into planning if you catch the right gust and it stays easily powered even when the wind drops down a little.
Overall I really like it! Now this week-end I will try it out with a 15/18 knots and let's see what happens