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Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

F-Hot slalom fins

Created by mark62 > 9 months ago, 6 Aug 2012
503 posts
6 Aug 2012 3:01AM
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Thought I'd mention these new slalom fins by F-Hot fins as they are looking very promising.

F-Hot are a UK composite mould company with 25 years of fin experience behind them. They more famously made speed fins for Dave White.

This years slalom fin trend has been geared towards curved leading edges like Z-Fins and carpenter fins. This year, the PWA slalom crew look (to me any way) like their going faster than previous years. Speaking to PWA guy's, they seem to all say one thing "fins, way faster than the old one". Most of the fast guys seem to be on Z-fins and Carpenter. These cost about 300 euros each, oooch.

The list for new so called fast fins is getting bigger by the week. Most of can't afford or justify shelling out and trying all of them. Wanting to try these new curved leading edge fins, I searched for some of Boogies old C3 E and D2 fins from 2005-ish, but only found smaller sizes so I decided to take a chance on F Hot fins for a few reasons, shaper Steve Cook knows his stuff, half the cost of Z-fins and hand made custom quality.

I just ordered a 38cm, 42cm, 48cm and 52cm for my iS107 and iS137. They should be with me in a week or so. I'll post how I get on with them as soon as I get some time on them.

503 posts
17 Aug 2012 1:19AM
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Arrived today. First impression are very good. The finish is A1 and they feel much lighter than the Select fins that they replace. Hopefully get some wind to test all sizes.

NSW, 26 posts
17 Aug 2012 11:30AM
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looks good! how much was the 42cm fin?

503 posts
18 Aug 2012 7:48AM
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There similar money to Select and Tectonics. Best to contact F-hot direct and they'll give you prices:)

I had to do a small bit of sanding on the deep tuttles to get a perfect fit on my iS137, but the 38 and 42 were perfect and no sanding needed.

Hope to try them all during the next few weeks. Will be interesting to see if speeds increase.

44 posts
22 Aug 2012 7:47AM
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What sail - board combos will you use with 38 and 42 fins? What is your weight / how tall are you? Any feedback from the water?

503 posts
23 Aug 2012 8:31PM
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38 & 42 for my iS107. I guess the 38 will be the most used and the 42 for light days. Im 100kg/194cm. Been to Bruges and Brussels this week so not been out on them as yet. Looking like I'll get to try the 48 and 52 with weekend:)

44 posts
23 Aug 2012 11:11PM
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@mark62 ... I am really interested in your feedback on the fin size to sail match for the iS107 as I have one (as I am currently looking for a new fin for my 7.1 & 7.9 sails with iS107).

44 posts
27 Aug 2012 7:06PM
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@mark62 ... and? ... the weekend passed by ...

503 posts
2 Sep 2012 9:36AM
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Yipee, at last we had some wind today, all be it very light gusty winds, but I could try the F-hot fins.

For the record, I am 100kg/194cm and like a lot of power through the back leg.

We had WSW winds today, this direction is always very gusty because of the Welsh hills. Winds were 12knots gusting to 18knots, with odd 20knot gust.

Normally, I would take a 9.5m in these crappy type winds, but I wanted to try the F-hot fins on both my SB iS137 and iS107 so I opted for the 8.6m as this works on both boards.

First I tried the 48cm/iS137, Fin has plenty of lift and gave good acceleration in the gusts. Top speed were also very good. I felt very comfy down wind and I could really push against it to get up wind. I noticed that I did not have to think about the at all, it just felt very easy to use. Max speed for this combo was just over 32knots. This was know were near its real peak speed, I will have to wait for better, more stable winds to test its peak speed.

Second I tried the 42cm/iS107. The wind was dropping and I was not really able to test properly as I felt under powered, I guess the wind was around 12knots gusting 15knots. Still managed to peak at 30k and just like the 48cm it generates plenty of lift, comfy down wind and I could push very hard against it to get up wind. Did not get a enough wind to try the 38cm, but I guess the 38cm will be good for 7m and 8m. I think the 38cm could be to small for 8.5/9m, the 42cm is better for big sails.

Third I tried the 52cm/iS137 as the wind was dropping off a lot by now. This fin is a fast light wind power house. Same feeling as the 48cm, just more power. It will be perfect with my 9.5m in 10k to 15k.

The water was pretty flat today, just small harbour type chop. I was looking for the choppy waters to see how the fins were. No problems and I expect the fins will be fine in much rough waters.

For me, it's pretty hard trying to describe a fin, but my feelings are all positive. I came from Select S10's, SL7's and RS7's and I feel these F-Hots are much better all round. Similar power cm for cm for acceleration and early planing, free-feeling board, easier through chop. Fins feel like they like to be maxed out which I think is a good thing. One thing I noticed was that I had to move the mast track back a couple of cm more than usual, this just felt right for me.

For Marco: If you want just one fin, go 40cm. But if you want two fins, go 38cm & 42cm:)

I am note sponsored by F-Hot fins, I am a paying customer just giving my 2 cents worth:)

44 posts
28 Sep 2012 6:18AM
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Any new feedback on these fins?

503 posts
3 Oct 2012 11:05PM
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Still very pleased with them. Used the 38 and 42 on the iS107 a few times now. 42 with the 8.6m is a great match, and the 38 for 7m and 8m is also a great match.

If you want two fins, take the 38 and 42, if you only want one fin take a 40.

Other than that, I have already covered every thing else in previous posts:)

44 posts
5 Oct 2012 2:49PM
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Ok thanks!

503 posts
6 Oct 2012 6:04AM
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Hi Marco, here's a video of the 42 in action. iS107/8.6m in light 15knot winds. Normally I would be on an iS137 in these winds, but I ewanted to see how the 42/iS107 handled very light winds. Worked pretty well:)

44 posts
6 Oct 2012 1:14PM
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5 posts
11 Oct 2012 12:37AM
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hey mark, thanks for the info! May I ask you for some more pics of the profile of the fins on different angles, not only the outline please? Thanks in advance.

5 posts
18 Oct 2012 1:07AM
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anybody ??? :D

503 posts
18 Oct 2012 5:34AM
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Ha, didn't see your last post. Will try to get some for during the weekend, but my camera skills are not too good.

I also have a 34(Starboard W58 speed/8.6m) and a 46 (iS137) being made, and I should have them in a couple of weeks time.

5 posts
20 Oct 2012 6:00AM
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ok thanks, hope to see some more profile pics ;)

503 posts
22 Oct 2012 12:00AM
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I tried to get some pics today, but they dod not come out good. could not see the profile very good. My photography skills are pretty bad, sorry:)

5 posts
22 Oct 2012 12:42AM
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doesnt metter, your camera is good enought. your other pic is very good so i think it should work. tou could post the pic you made and we will see ;)


Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

"F-Hot slalom fins" started by mark62