Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

Fanatic Quad / North Ice 2011

Created by TwinMan > 9 months ago, 24 Sep 2010
WA, 108 posts
24 Sep 2010 2:55PM
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So the new toys have arrived
Only ridden the board once so a bit early for a decent review but one things very clear, its very different to the twin fin and a very capable wave board. hows those concaves....

ice sails are the expected North quality out of the bag and looks like wind this weekend then off up north for some proper testing

WA, 899 posts
24 Sep 2010 3:35PM
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looking forward to mine coming in soon

QLD, 1926 posts
24 Sep 2010 5:43PM
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would be great to hear more detailed opinions on this board.

in my experience the fanatic wave shapes tend to be very early planing and quick, having sailed an older newwave single, the 09 twin and comparing it against my jp twin. but not sure about the quad due to the serious amount of tail kick its got?

WA, 108 posts
24 Sep 2010 3:50PM
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I still have my 2010 86 lt twin fin and there was no noticeable difference in speed just very different turning characteristics. my understaning is the deep channels are there to maintain speed given the extra rocker which seems to have worked.

Crash Landing
NSW, 1173 posts
25 Sep 2010 9:25AM
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I think Fanatic and North have nailed their designs this year (as in graphic). That combo looks the goods.

WA, 108 posts
26 Sep 2010 7:11PM
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sailed the 4.7m and the quad at coronation today

can't wait to get up north next week......

WA, 211 posts
28 Sep 2010 9:04PM
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Chris, you may need to change your nickname to quad man. You were going real well the other day on the 4.7. Seemed more radical and season is only getting underway.


Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

"Fanatic Quad / North Ice 2011" started by TwinMan