Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

JP Funride 145 (2011)

Created by raffaeu > 9 months ago, 10 Jul 2011
195 posts
10 Jul 2011 9:06PM
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Hi guys, finally I can write my first serious review.
Two weeks ago I received from the local dealer the JP funride 145. I post here a couple of pics and some comments.

The board is pretty light to be a 145 Lt and it absolutely easy to use. At the beginning I struggle to stay on the board as I am still learning to plane and I was on a 200 Lt so I felt the gap the first day.
It is true about the early planning. As soon as you pump a little bit the sail (I was on a 6 yesterday) the board jump out of the water. Of course because I am still learning I easily loose the control of the board.
It comes with a huge 48 fin that I will probably replace with a 38 in the future.
Footstraps are of a good quality, and more comfortable than the Starboard one.
Didn't like the epoxy surface on the bottom. Very delicate, as soon as you something on the surface (event leaving the boom on it) it gets hairline scratches. Maybe I am too anal as the board is brand new ...

Anyway really satisfy and I noticed already the progress I can do with this size.

NSW, 1222 posts
11 Jul 2011 9:22PM
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When I started out my second board was a 145 and the first thing I noticed was when powered up the fin was too big. If you were on a 6 and fully on the plain the board would have been trying to leap out of the water. Invest in a smaller fin soon it will make the ride much nicer and the board will settle in the water and won't be a bucking bronco, I think from memory I got my self a 42cm fin which made a huge difference. The stock fin was better on lighter days with sails above 7.0, anything smaller I needed the smaller fin. The sad thing about the 145 was that It was only a few months before I switched to a 120, you'll advance quickly.

WA, 1104 posts
12 Jul 2011 1:47PM
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I had a 160L, which was great for one season. Now on 115L, I feel like a 145L so I could sail my 100kg bulk in ever increasing low winds days.

It may be that you never sell it.

195 posts
13 Jul 2011 8:14AM
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Obelix said...

I had a 160L, which was great for one season. Now on 115L, I feel like a 145L so I could sail my 100kg bulk in ever increasing low winds days.

It may be that you never sell it.

That's what the seniors told me here

SA, 36 posts
13 Jul 2011 9:53AM
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I don't think you"ll ever sell that board!

I have a 123l carve, a 94l Kode, and a 76l JP FSW

On days where I haul out the 7.5 or 8.2 I absolutely would rather have a 145 litre board. I'd recommend as you progress to maybe look at a 110 litre, and then about 80 litre wave board and you'll be set for all conditions.

Comments about the fin are true, get a smaller one for your 6.0. Ideally in the future on a 6.0 day you'd be on a 110-120 litre board, but the fin is what makes it leap out of the water (wrecked a board nose that way myself!)

NSW, 9029 posts
13 Jul 2011 11:33AM
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The first board I bought back in 2007 when I got back into windsurfing was a Tabou Rocket 140. Its probably a similar sort of board to your Funride, a pretty easy board to sail.

I quite like it. It handles bigger sails with ease and doesn't have the tippy or sinky feeling smaller boards have. On flattish water it doesn't feel that big underfoot. Only when it gets choppy in stronger winds does it feel too big. Its probably good for winds up to 20 knots. I find a bigger board to be more fun in gusty winds too.

It too came with a big 48cm fin that I use with bigger sails. If the wind picks up I'll put a 35cm fin in it which settles it down a bit.

I'm not sure if I'll keep it for much longer but if I replace it, it may be for something like the JP SLW.

195 posts
14 Jul 2011 9:30AM
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I was so lucky last month that I got 2 95L F2 boards for 200 bucks which in Bermuda is an awesome deal. Sure the boards are not "the latest" but they will be good for me when I will decide to get a trial to a smaller board.
My target for this year (as we do not have windy season in Bermuda, it is always windy ) is to master harness and water start on this board and probably, in January/February when here gets really bad weather I will give a shot to those 95 I have before ever considering to buy a 110/120
This week-end is gonna be around 15/17 so shall I use the 38 fin or the 48?

NSW, 9029 posts
14 Jul 2011 11:45AM
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raffaeu said...

I was so lucky last month that I got 2 95L F2 boards for 200 bucks which in Bermuda is an awesome deal. Sure the boards are not "the latest" but they will be good for me when I will decide to get a trial to a smaller board.
My target for this year (as we do not have windy season in Bermuda, it is always windy ) is to master harness and water start on this board and probably, in January/February when here gets really bad weather I will give a shot to those 95 I have before ever considering to buy a 110/120
This week-end is gonna be around 15/17 so shall I use the 38 fin or the 48?

With the smaller sail of around 6m the smaller fin would be more balanced. However its fairly easy to change fins so why not try both out?


Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

"JP Funride 145 (2011)" started by raffaeu