Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

K3 Masts

Created by K3DAustralia > 9 months ago, 18 Nov 2011
WA, 10 posts
18 Nov 2011 4:35PM
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We have had quite a few people asking how will our masts rig on their sails. Below are a few photos of the Battlestick masts rigged on a KA sails Kaos 5.3 and 4.7. I believe the model is from a few years ago?

First the 5.3 which has a luff of 429, in this case rigged on a 430 but could be 400 with extension.

Battens pull clear of mast which is normal with this sail (so I am told) this is obviously very dependant on outhaul but usually a good sign the sail has been rigged correctly.

Reasonable floppyness (is that a word?) in the leech - I am told they are fairly tight leeched compared to other sails. Again this is an important area and one where the mast makes a huge difference.

Overall the sail rigged very well but waiting for a on the water report!

The 4.7 (rigged on 400 Battlestick) with about 15cm extension...

Again looked really good, other KA sails users will be able to give feedback if this is how they think theirs should rig. Didn't have a chance to rig the 5.3 on a 400 but I believe it would rig a bit softer probably more suited to lighter sailors.

Hopefully we will get some feedback soon on how the sail feels on the water.

I will be in Lano this weekend if anyone is interested in demoing.


WA, 705 posts
19 Nov 2011 7:37PM
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Took the K3D 430cm rdm for an hour or so blast this arvo rigged on the above 5.3 Kaos and am pleased with it's performance.

20ish knots at Dutchies with almost no swell (as usual) and the sail felt nice and crisp with the power locked nicely where I'm used to with the previous Powerex 430 rdm. The wind was fairly constant so I couldn't get a feel of how the mast/sail reacts in big gusts.

The placement of the extra lays of fibre are spot on for my sails - the Powerex mast area was way too low for all but my smallest sail and I had quite a bit of wear from boom head just on the top edge of the extra lays.

The fit of the two pieces is much more snug than the sloppy Powerex fit.

I haven't checked for certain but at about 1.9kg the K3D is of similar wieght to my old mast.

The Powerex has been a great mast for about 5 years use and hopefully the K3D will give me as good service. It certainly looks solid and feels good so at the moment I'm pleased with the Battlestick and the price is good also.

NSW, 471 posts
7 Dec 2011 10:51AM
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Have to say I am very pleasantly supprized by their performance. I bought the 430 and it got delivered a week after payment, which is good considering its coming from WA.

Initially as a sail maker I was slightly sceptical and it did feel like it had a low swing weight in the bag but that seemed irrelevant when actually rigged.

My Ezzy 5.8m rigs much better than on the suggested mast giving it a much greater wind range and a much more responsive rig.

I also rigged a Tushingham rock 5.0m and that worked heaps better than before.

The finish on them is supern as is the price, in fact after someone saw it at the beach the other day, they ordered two masts as its pretty much the same cost as the old one he bought with better performance.

If I can I am going to save all my penny's and get a 400 soon. Thanks Guys....

WA, 10 posts
5 Jan 2012 2:15PM
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In response to the topic on the Wave sailing forum here are some photos of this years Simmer Icon rigged on a 400 Battlestick

Looks pretty good!

WA, 705 posts
8 Jan 2012 7:16PM
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Seeing that I'm a tight__se I only have the one mast - 430 K3 Battlestick - and today was the first chance to use it on my 4.7 Kaos.

I'm happy with the way it performed in the 25ish + winds today. These masts go very well with my 4 or 5 year old Kaos's and the only improvement for me would be to open up the purse and buy a 400 to rig on my smaller sail.....

They feel almost identical to my RDM Powerex and the only difference (beside being a couple of hundred dollars cheaper) is that they feel slightly stiffer but still power off nicely in the big gusts.

As long as they last as well as the Powerex I can't fault them.


Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

"K3 Masts" started by K3DAustralia