My project board has had a few good runs now on flat water in wind ranging from 12-30k.. ..18-25k is where she feels best.
By all accounts on the right track and I have since modified the Trim Tail as there was excessive lift being generated. Releasing nicely now!
I'm using Ka Sails for testing, KaRace 8.7, Koncept 7.5, 6.6 & 5.8 ..The new 2014 range look awesome too!!
Vector Volt fins will be the fins I will try to work with most with some others for comparisons.
The next addition will be closer to 130lt and then something closer to 90lt..can't wait!
Happy Days!
Sweet looking ride M.O.B. - nice lines and looks aesthetically pleasing too!
Also agree that the 2014 KA Sail range looks fantastic. Putting in my KA Race and KA Killer order in tonight - Wooo-Hooooo
Great looking board MOB. I love to see customs doing so well
Martin you worrying, bright 80's colours and now bottoms! I'am glad i'am in Sydney!!
Thanks for the interest guys
Stats are..
ex 2350(now 2342) x 670 x 112-ish.. tail is 462 and currently 6mm rocker...Flat to Vee.. She came in at 7kg with pads, but there is a bit of experimentation going on with materials and bottom shape in this one so weight is not too relevant.
The tail concept was brought across from a wave board my good friend and board building mentor Neil Scheltema had been developing to suit his preferred 'wave driven' style in recent years and lighter prevailing winds in Perth..he has been cutting tails off boards for years. I wanted to expose some carbon and the aesthetic is successful in juxtaposing the technical, and the organic lines. Neil originally wanted the cutaway zones to extend further up the rails but he humoured me and followed my concept drawings...the new shadow line on the deck is where I will extend the trim tail to on the next one. The whole process is really a very satisfying way of showcasing design a build capability and marketing my core business which is board repairs.
By the way yesterday decided I would give the Trim Tail boards a TT prefix/suffix which I thought was a nice way of acknowledging Neil, as one of his passions is classic motorcycles(Think Isle of Man TT..) and also captures the FreeRace spirit. I got a bit of a surprise when I googled it and saw Roberto Ricci has used TT to describe his Toro Tail!! DOH!! I think I'll use it anyway tho
Had the same problem with the KA website myself . Peter must be screwing around with it or maybe it just could not cope with the massive flood of Ambassador orders!!!
Choco if you think its been a long time..check out this board that re-surfaced for sale by original owner here in WA recently...I remember it being made for the opening of WindTech.. ..apparently only used a couple of times and then stored in the bag for nearly 25yrs!!