Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

Patrik Trailer Wave 85

Created by lao shi > 9 months ago, 7 Sep 2013
lao shi
SA, 1299 posts
7 Sep 2013 11:24AM
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Thanks to Steve's Surf Shed
I was able to test the Patrik Trailer Wave in the last storm front while Steve is repairing my Rider twin fin custom.
I have only ridden a twin before so can't comment on how it would compare to other set ups.

The board is quite short at 227cm with plenty of volume up front and a thin tail.
It has lots of inserts allowing a great deal of variation for footstrap position.
I tested the board as it had been set up for Margaret River with front straps all the way forward and back straps as far back as possible.
The three US boxes allow for a huge range of fin set ups as the following diagram shows and the video from Karin explains the options.


I had it set in the Trailer (Loose) set up.
Wind was NNW 15-20 to start and then built to 20 NW and then a squall to 25+ when I tailwalked in to the beach!
Dutch Inn with some reasonable waves early on then getting messy as the wind picked up and swung NW

I started on a 5.9 Severne S-1 and was surprised how well a small looking board carried the 5.9 and my 75+kg. The board seemed to pop over the white water nicely and the short length seemed to provide less resistance to steep just broken whitewater flowing under the board than my 234cm Twin.

Found getting in the back strap tricky with the straps so far apart (didn't get around to moving them) and the board felt a bit sideways until up to speed. Being opposite to normal tack did not feel in control in the air so cannot comment on jumping.

Had to adjust my gybing style as the thin tail and loose fin set up had me rounding up way too early. Keeping the weight further forward solved this problem.

The impressive part was the wave riding. I have been riding my twin for a couple of years now and as an improving wavesailor had started to feel as if I was actually starting to properly ride the wave. The Patrik made it easy!
The board trucked upwind on the wave (no problem getting in to the straps this way) the thin tail allowed it to be stalled easily at the top and it had excellent acceleration down the wave face.

Threw the fins out the back of the wave a couple of times early on and turned too much off the tail at lower speed but adjusting my technique gave a great ride holding good speed on the wave and cutting back really sharply.

As the wind picked up I rigged a 5.3 KA Kaos and continued having heaps of fun on the increasingly messy waves up to head high. The board certainly felt loose but not out of reach of an intermediate and gave a really rewarding experience on the wave.

It would be interesting to have the time to try some of the other fin/ strap variations and I really like the idea of being able to tune the board for summer / winter conditions. I think with my short legs the board would have been better on the way out with the back strap further forward (compared it to my twin and the back strap was significantly further forward and the fins much further forward). In summer on small waves the Thruster or Single for getting planing quickly for air of the small Dutchies ramps. and the Trailer for better wave conditions.

I hope to be able to compare the Trailer Wide 83 at some point which is longer at 234cm and with a wider tail and flatter deck.

The construction of the boards is Carbon/ Kevlar top and bottom so should be pretty solid.
I would definitely recommend giving a Trailer Wave a try if you get the chance. It would be interesting to hear from anyone who has ridden one in how it compares to a Quad.

VIC, 157 posts
7 Sep 2013 10:59PM
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hi lao,

I'm intested in your comments as i'm looking at the 85 wide.

Just a point of clarification were you using the 85 not the 85 wide?

cheers KJ

lao shi
SA, 1299 posts
7 Sep 2013 11:42PM
Thumbs Up

Yes. I tried the 85 not the 83 Wide which is longer, slightly wider but with a wider tail and flatter deck.


Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

"Patrik Trailer Wave 85" started by lao shi