Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

Quatro Quad 75 and 85 (Production)

Created by Alberto > 9 months ago, 20 Jan 2010
WA, 213 posts
20 Jan 2010 2:55PM
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Took a little be longer for this line to come up in production, over 100 custom boards shaped first makes a good reason to wait. The two boards have different shapes, single concave for the 75 and double for the 85. We really liked the squashed moon tail and the fins combo. Fast tail rocker makes lots of sense. Fits well in between the two twinfin lines Tempo and Rhythm. Loved in the water from north to south and worked super well in the metro area too. If you have ridden a custom Quatro before this is the closer you can get.

WA, 213 posts
21 Jan 2010 1:57PM
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This is the review from Boardseeker mag ....pretty flash....

"However, it's not just carving turns where the Quad excels.
Off the top, the Quad seems to generate power and acceleration unmatched by any other board that we have sailed.
Unfortunately, as of yet, we have no scientific explanation to why this might be, it just simply does!"

WA, 13 posts
21 Jan 2010 9:43PM
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would pay to read the summary however;

"If you prefer your board to feel loose, fast and gunny, then you may prefer the Rhythm and if straight line performance and maintaining speed through the turns is your priority, then the Tempo could be for you.

Good luck with your choice!"

all getting a bit complicated if you ask me, at $3k a pop a big investment in something that may not suit you or the conditions you sail in everyday however appealing it may seem.

choose wisely, i like my twinnie but i have had 5 of them over time and they are only just getting good, quads are brand new and these multi fin set ups are'nt for everyone.

WA, 647 posts
22 Jan 2010 12:08AM
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OES Fan said...

i like my twinnie but i have had 5 of them over time and they are only just getting good

maybe you give up riding OES boards if 4 out of 5 of them have been sh1t and try a Quatro

OES Fan said...

would pay to read the summary however;

"If you prefer your board to feel loose, fast and gunny, then you may prefer the Rhythm and if straight line performance and maintaining speed through the turns is your priority, then the Tempo could be for you.

i own a custom Quatro twinnie thats a pure down the line board and also a Tempo both boards are in a league of there own in the conditions there are designed for.

But as the summary also says
''So who wants a Quad?!
Well, thats a hard one to answer...In proper down-the-line conditions, there is no doubting that the Quatro Quad is the best board we have ever sailed. It turns tightly with immense amounts of grip, control and speed.. However, the advantages will be noticed mostly by advanced sailors who can turn well and have the ability to work with the steepest/most critical sections of the wave in comfortably powered up conditions. The Quad also has the added advantage of going upwind really well, so maximizes your time on the wave face, particularly in lighter conditions.''

sounds pretty good to me

OES Fan said...

Good luck with your choice!"

everyone i know who rides a Quatro wouldnt ride anything else may be you should give them a try at least it wont take you 5 boards to find "just a good one"
the 2 i have are bloody excellent


WA, 213 posts
2 Mar 2010 5:35PM
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Not a speedster or bump 'n' jump board - this baby is made for waves.

WA, 567 posts
12 Apr 2010 10:27PM
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Ok I got to try out the quad 85 in chest high cross onshore, It has a different bottom shape to the smaller 75 version so I imagine both would feel different.
This board comes alive on the wave face, I don't know if it is the quad fins or just the rocker and bottom shape.
I went upwind well the same as my twin fin, it did feel smallish for 85 litres and the pads were a bit slippery, In a straight line it felt Ok with reasonable speed. But it was on the wave face that it felt awesome with good speed and very responsive to where you want to go. Very very very nice.
I've tried some great productions out this year, so much choice and such a high standard.

Gazza and Leech also tried it out they seemed pleased to.

WA, 3466 posts
13 Apr 2010 6:31AM
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Boardseeker mag:
"However, it’s not just carving turns where the Quad excels.
Off the top, the Quad seems to generate power and acceleration unmatched by any other board that we have sailed.
Unfortunately, as of yet, we have no scientific explanation to why this might be, it just simply does!"

I think quote somewhat proof that board manufacturers currently don't really seem to have much of a clue why something works well and why something doesn't. It's a bit like trial and error rather than knowledge based development.

With this in mind I can only urge people to try and test the twin / quad fin board they are eyeing ... otherwise you may well be buying a dud unseen... think about it. Would you buy a used car without turning on the ignition and taking it for a test drive?

WA, 567 posts
21 Apr 2010 4:27PM
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stehsegler said...

Boardseeker mag:
"However, it’s not just carving turns where the Quad excels.
Off the top, the Quad seems to generate power and acceleration unmatched by any other board that we have sailed.
Unfortunately, as of yet, we have no scientific explanation to why this might be, it just simply does!"

I think quote somewhat proof that board manufacturers currently don't really seem to have much of a clue why something works well and why something doesn't. It's a bit like trial and error rather than knowledge based development.

With this in mind I can only urge people to try and test the twin / quad fin board they are eyeing ... otherwise you may well be buying a dud unseen... think about it. Would you buy a used car without turning on the ignition and taking it for a test drive?

I'm confused Steggie the origional quote says that the board testers don't have a clue of why it works yet you wrote the board manufacturers don't have a clue why something works. Was that a typo by you? or was there more to the article I didn't see which mentions the manufacturers admitting they don't have a clue?


Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

"Quatro Quad 75 and 85 (Production)" started by Alberto