Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

SSD keel quad 103

Created by bowsa > 9 months ago, 22 Jan 2013
QLD, 602 posts
22 Jan 2013 2:10PM
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Just had my Stone Surf Design 103 keel quad delivered! Can't wait to test it out. It will be coupled with my 2012 87 fanatic quad (which i love when the wind is strong and conditions are firing).

On the east coast of Oz we get tons of good waves but wind can be a bit iffy most of the time so there are plenty of float and ride opportunities. I have minimised my quiver of sails to only a 5.3 and 4.7 north hero (2013) and so far they cover me in anything the east coast can offer - although i was in tasmania all summer and wished i had a 4.2!

First impressions are that the general specs are VERY similar to my 87 quad, well the length and width anyway. The different being is the SSD is FAT! it is so thick through the middle. I was trying to capture this in a picture but it was difficult. It is about 230 long and 59-60 wide. Thick through the nose and midsection but thinning out (slightly) through the tail around the keel. From my eye it appears to have a single concave in the nose moving through to a slight double concave through the tail.

Anyway i can't wait to ride it - not only in light winds but i'm super keen to see how it will go with the 4.7.

Oh, i'm 88-90kg

Will post more once ridden!

dan berry
WA, 2562 posts
22 Jan 2013 1:02PM
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You'll love the keel ( the diamond tail is pretty sweet too;)

QLD, 602 posts
22 Jan 2013 3:31PM
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Hey Dan,

Whats size is your keel? and whats the 'diamond tail' design?


dan berry
WA, 2562 posts
22 Jan 2013 3:34PM
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Hey Chris, mines 72ltr
7'2 x 16"wide x 21
1/2" x 14 3/4" tail, 4 1/4" thick.

The diamond tail is the bumblebee. Similar rocker to the keel but with diamond tail and a little shorter. Real snappy of the top ( and good for freestyle as well surprisingly;)

QLD, 602 posts
22 Jan 2013 6:08PM
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Yeah awesome. The keel has a surprisingly flat rocker line especially compared to my fanatic quad. Can't wait to try it out!

dan berry
WA, 2562 posts
22 Jan 2013 4:48PM
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I wouldn't be worried about the rocker. Mark is the king of rockers. I was blown away when I got my keel. Super efficient.

QLD, 602 posts
22 Jan 2013 7:07PM
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Oh not worried at all! Just an observation...

How do you find your keel in well powered up 4.2 conditions?

QLD, 602 posts
22 Jan 2013 7:16PM
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And just to reiterate - i'm absolutely frothing to try it out!

dan berry
WA, 2562 posts
22 Jan 2013 6:15PM
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Only used it a couple of times in 4.2 weather, one was with decent size surf. Went really well, you could dig into the bottom turn and felt secure, didn't bounce out at all at. I had got into the habit of bottom turning out more into the flats in bigger surf to wash off speed, don't have to with these at all.

WA, 703 posts
22 Jan 2013 7:30PM
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What happened to your fanatic?

QLD, 602 posts
22 Jan 2013 9:33PM
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stringer said...
What happened to your fanatic?

Snapped after two months last summer in WA. Repaired well and been fine since... apart from the no resale value haha


Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

"SSD keel quad 103" started by bowsa