Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

Sail Repairs

Created by ibid > 9 months ago, 1 May 2012
NSW, 133 posts
1 May 2012 7:55PM
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Had a bit of carnage - way overpowered on the 5.0 at wanda on sunday - ended up with a sail that was looking pretty sad

Monday - gave it to Neil at Barracouta and it was ready this morning looking like a new sail

If you are not on the southside you can drop your broken gear with WindSurfNsnow - good time of year to check out the shop while you are there too - so much great gear - wish my accountant would let me spend more.

WA, 887 posts
2 May 2012 3:22AM
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perfect now for maui

NSW, 133 posts
2 May 2012 9:05AM
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haha nothing bigger than 4.7 has been needed lately

NSW, 1222 posts
2 May 2012 7:24PM
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I don't think you needed to go to that extreme to depower your sail.....You could have just tried more downhaul?

TAS, 2648 posts
2 May 2012 9:48PM
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very nice repair job., what was the damage worth?

NSW, 133 posts
4 May 2012 12:03AM
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Best price on a new sail ever - only $120 but don't tell anyone

NSW, 600 posts
4 May 2012 9:24AM
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Hey Mike, did they replace all the monofilm? Like you say, it looks brand new!

QLD, 2039 posts
4 May 2012 9:45AM
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looks like they did a great gob. Just the clean job was worth it, really does look like new.

NSW, 133 posts
4 May 2012 3:13PM
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Yes - Neil did all 3 panels

The bottom panel had been replaced before but had a season since then and would have looked old next to the new ones so felt it was worth doing the lot

An intact panel can be replaced pretty much perfectly by overlaying with the new and then using a blade to remove the old panel after stitching new on in place


Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

"Sail Repairs" started by ibid