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Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

Severne Fox 105 with R8 6.2m

Created by bushfire > 9 months ago, 24 Dec 2016
NSW, 354 posts
24 Dec 2016 11:04AM
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First blast on the Fox 105 and the Reflex8 6.2m. A windy NE'er yesterday - the weather station was recording gusts in the mid 30's (knots), and very crazy confused chop over near Berkeley. The Fox was brilliant! Very stable, comfortable and just scooted over the rough water. It would have been survival sailing through that stuff on a slalom board, but the easy manners of the Fox quickly allowed my confidence to rise to attack the water a bit more. It is exactly what I was hoping for in the board - fast but not manic, easy to gybe and comfortable across the chop - important for old knees!!

The Reflex8 6.2m was a bit more difficult! It rigged easily and looked a million dollars on the grass, but I had a tough time getting the inducers to rotate properly - a kick of the bottom inducer helped matters, but still not great. After the initial bit of sailing I had a rest break and applied about 1-2 cm more downhaul (now at spec - usually it takes a few sails for this to happen) and that improved things quite a lot. I think I need to remove the one spacer from all inducers that were in place straight out of the bag to fix the issue. Previous Reflexes need more spacers not less so this is a bit of a difference. In the gusty winds the sail felt great and delivered the power in a controllable manner.

Also a special mention to the UFO weed fin I was running for the first time - a 28cm 50 degree with a front overhang. It clung on through the rough stuff without any moaning and was slippery through the water - very impressive.

Can't wait to get back out on the Fox, hopefully with an upright fin to try out (I don't like the powerbox, but that is how it is...)

Orange is the new Black...?

NSW, 238 posts
24 Dec 2016 12:20PM
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So wish I didn't have to work nights! Missed a sensational day and it kept blowing till around 9ish last night. The harbour is so tempting, Eckers & Jetlag can you guy's some how get me a night pass

Glen it looks sweet

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year bring on 2017

Dean 424
NSW, 440 posts
24 Dec 2016 6:38PM
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Looks a nice setup Glen. Might be a winner in the freerace comps in rough conditions? Have you weighed it?

NSW, 939 posts
24 Dec 2016 8:07PM
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Bushy you can't claim old knees yet!!! Maybe in another 15 years
Nice board!
Here's the 6.2 OD R8 straight out of bag today, no battern tweaks, boom length 4cms less than spec

QLD, 3424 posts
24 Dec 2016 8:15PM
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nice report Glen, how would you rate it for new cal waters now you know them ?

as I just smashed my 115 on a turtle I was wondering if a fox would do the trick ?

NSW, 354 posts
26 Dec 2016 9:05PM
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Hey Dean, not weighed it - not the lightest board but seems to be super strong construction.

Nice sail Dezza! Fun sail today - I removed the spacers from inducers 1,2 & 3 of the R8 6.2m and the rotation was very good. Problem solved!

Hey Sean, I've only sailed the board in choppy water, and it performs very well in these conditions. It is not the fastest board out there but it has a good turn of pace. It's advantage is being able attack the conditions when with other boards you might be backing off. I reckon a normal slalom board would be better at Ilot Maitre, but at Anse Vata and the crossing I think it would be wicked!

Caught by the Lake Illawarra weather station web cam today - Fox 105 with R8 6.2m in 25 knots or so!


NSW, 939 posts
27 Dec 2016 7:39AM
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Great photo from the wind cam Bushy!

Sean those blue isonics in planet windsurf would look great with your sails

WA, 124 posts
27 Dec 2016 7:05AM
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bushfire said..

Caught by the Lake Illawarra weather station web cam today - Fox 105 with R8 6.2m in 25 knots or so!

That's weird .. it doesn't really look 25 knots in the photo. From those white caps, I would have guessed about 17 knots. I would usually sail a 4.7 and 85L waveboard in 25 knt conditions and I dont think I would get planing based on that photo.

I had a quick look at the obs ... is this the right time & place? My guess may have been a knot or two on the high side.

Latest Coastal Weather Observations for Port Kembla Harbour
26/07:30pm NE 16
26/07:00pm NE 13
26/06:30pm NNE 12
26/06:00pm NNE 11
26/05:30pm N 10
26/05:00pm NNE 15
26/04:30pm NE 16
26/04:00pm NE 15
26/03:52pm NE 15

QLD, 3424 posts
27 Dec 2016 9:20AM
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Dezza said..
Sean those blue isonics in planet windsurf would look great with your sails

I do like them a lot, but I'm worried the blue might not match my old knees !!!

Thanks Bushie for the feedback

Ian K
WA, 4122 posts
27 Dec 2016 7:35AM
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wind012 said..

bushfire said..

Caught by the Lake Illawarra weather station web cam today - Fox 105 with R8 6.2m in 25 knots or so!

That's weird .. it doesn't really look 25 knots in the photo. From those white caps, I would have guessed about 17 knots. I would usually sail a 4.7 and 85L waveboard in 25 knt conditions and I dont think I would get planing based on that photo.

I had a quick look at the obs ... is this the right time & place? My guess may have been a knot or two on the high side.

Latest Coastal Weather Observations for Port Kembla Harbour
26/07:30pm NE 16
26/07:00pm NE 13
26/06:30pm NNE 12
26/06:00pm NNE 11
26/05:30pm N 10
26/05:00pm NNE 15
26/04:30pm NE 16
26/04:00pm NE 15
26/03:52pm NE 15

The photo was taken at 2016-12-26 16:15 s:46kB

At this time the reading was 16.6 gusting 21.4.

Your guess based on the whitecaps was pretty good.

It was a far bit windier earlier on though.

NSW, 939 posts
27 Dec 2016 12:14PM
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Sean you are also a long way off from being able to claim old knees

Dean 424
NSW, 440 posts
27 Dec 2016 12:45PM
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Thanks Bushfire for the report. It sounds the goods. Only the very best sailors seem to be able to sail fast in chop. That size is perfect as well. I think the Fox could be a great medium size board for me as well as being less fragile for traveling.

QLD, 703 posts
4 Jan 2017 9:56AM
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I have had two sails on the Fox now both powered up with 6.2 Overdrive done around about 200 k's in bay conditions . Have to say one of the smoothest boards through chop up I have ever sailed,mast foot is a little bit further forward then normal but once you get used to that feel the board just rides over swell so easily GPS numbers around about 3 knots slower than the full on slalom boards in the flat water but not much difference in the rough conditions as you can always keep the hammer down. Especially fun where you free off a bit , on one run a few of the local Gps slalom guys where saying that was scary run I was thinking man that was smooth . Have to agree much easier on my old knees too :)

NSW, 8093 posts
5 Jan 2017 4:00PM
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Dezza said..
Bushy you can't claim old knees yet!!! Maybe in another 15 years
Nice board!
Here's the 6.2 OD R8 straight out of bag today, no battern tweaks, boom length 4cms less than spec

Nice pic..

NSW, 3082 posts
5 Jan 2017 6:31PM
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Stylin' Dezza, the new go fast girl!!!

NSW, 939 posts
6 Jan 2017 9:56AM
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Hoping the captain will mix up some more PB juice so I can go faster

NSW, 2016 posts
6 Jan 2017 11:36AM
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you don't need any more juice Dez you just need a van so your not leaving anything at home

240 posts
7 Jan 2017 7:24AM
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Gotta love the marketing blurb .
This board makes think of my 2014 Exocet Scross 105 (same overall spec @ 239*65) and exact same feeling through ocean swell/chop, super smooth.
No idea about speed compared to slalom board as I dont use any.


Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

"Severne Fox 105 with R8 6.2m" started by bushfire