Forums > Windsurfing   South Australia

Another Sneaky Day st Sunday sesh this weekend?

Created by russh > 9 months ago, 6 Nov 2012
SA, 3025 posts
6 Nov 2012 11:19AM
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What are the chances this Sunday Day st will be on again. Looking possible

Be keen on another one

SA, 3025 posts
6 Nov 2012 5:07PM
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SA, 626 posts
6 Nov 2012 6:23PM
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Looks too N/NE doesn't it for chappy street?
Might be better on the mid.
I did note the wind at hindmarsh island on Sunday, what was the swell like?

SA, 3025 posts
6 Nov 2012 7:08PM
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2 foot (shoulder to head high) with odd bigger set - forecast was 10 knt ne and it was up to 25 knt nnw

Map looks promising I reckon - forgot there's a standup paddle race on at seacliff - possibly into a 20 knt head wind - that'll be a bit of a challenge - might need to go the other way

SA, 896 posts
6 Nov 2012 7:27PM
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Fingers crossed Russ!

SA, 3025 posts
10 Nov 2012 1:37PM
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Anyone gunna take the gamble tomorrow at victor - planning a late morn drive- could be a bit offshore to start with

Pity it wasn't this morning as there's a nice little swell on the mid

Dr Duck
SA, 450 posts
13 Nov 2012 9:04AM
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I bagged a classic longboard wavesailing session about mid afternoon. There was a bit of a peak up near Bondi St. 2-10 knots NW, 2ft sets. Long rides, smooth faces. Good for the soul.

SA, 3025 posts
13 Nov 2012 9:26AM
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Glad you got on the water Richard - saw you driving down when I was on the way home

I had a nice little sup in gusty 15 knt offshores - Hard work catching waves with 15knts coming up the waves - was like surfing on Valium - everything was happeining so slowly - nearly get blown off the back trying to do reo's in the gusts - but it was fun

Sounds like it went NW after I left -it just blew for 10 mins then dropped out for half an hour etc most of the morning and early arvo - I think Josh got a bit of a sail as well later.


Forums > Windsurfing   South Australia

"Another Sneaky Day st Sunday sesh this weekend?" started by russh