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Beachport weekend photos

Created by divaldo > 9 months ago, 6 Oct 2008
SA, 2878 posts
6 Oct 2008 9:35PM
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Heres a few photos form the weekend, well done to all that rocked up, great work Pete from ONBOARD, thanks for the beers and the red bulls (ihavent slept for three days mate!), great concept for a comp, GPS and Wave, very unique, not sure there are many other places in SA that could accommodate this.

As far as conditions, it was light to say the least on Saturday and Sunday, enough of a puff to get a 90 minute session in for the 'expression session'. Well done to Dean Ryles for taking out the comp, some great down the line power sailing was great to watch. Special mentions to Simon for turning on some style on the SUP (with sail), some nice sit down backwind wave riding, also to the chap on the Kona, sorry I forgot your name, but I reckon you must have sailed for 6 hours every day, while we merely sat and watched with envy as you carved up wave after wave, albeit slowly, but with finesse. Chris (Grand Frommage) for your great SUP tuition, pete will be getting another few dollars out of me.....damn this sport!!

Pete briefs the crew before the expression session.

Dean shows the spoils of victory

Nice rig up area!

SUP Grand Frommage style

Ian letting loose at Robe on the way home on Monday...sick puppie! He was going off!!!!!!!

Nice freak chris, now give it back to Gemma!

Chris launches the Quattro! This is what three weeks in Maui will do for your jumping!

Ian about to feel pain

Dean in orbit

I think this is James?

Dave having some fun

Simon before his equipment failure

SA, 1160 posts
6 Oct 2008 10:17PM
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dave that photo has way too much nudeity for seabreeze

SA, 2878 posts
6 Oct 2008 10:24PM
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hahaha, I have a worse one of you mate......

14 posts
6 Oct 2008 8:12PM
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Looks like you all had a good time :). I only noticed this event (topic) 10pm Friday
night when I got home from work. I had half a mind to come down (even as a
spectator), but softed out. I'll definately be prepared next year.


SA, 2878 posts
6 Oct 2008 10:45PM
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phuknuckle said...

Looks like you all had a good time :). I only noticed this event (topic) 10pm Friday
night when I got home from work. I had half a mind to come down (even as a
spectator), but softed out. I'll definately be prepared next year.


You would have been more than welcome

SA, 924 posts
7 Oct 2008 12:26PM
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hey, looks like it was an awesome weekend. pitty i couldn't get there. Hopefully i'm driving by this time next year so can get there myself. Anyway see you all out on the water soon. Winds not looking so great for the neext week or so unfortunatley.


SA, 251 posts
7 Oct 2008 1:56PM
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Great photos Dave wish I was there oh well I got planing on sunday arvo at Goolwa which was good.

Cheers Pittsy

SA, 19 posts
7 Oct 2008 3:46PM
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Hey Dave =]

did kym get any photos from the pool on sat??


SA, 2878 posts
7 Oct 2008 3:57PM
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WindChick said...

Hey Dave =]

did kym get any photos from the pool on sat??


She sure did, more video though, will try post it up tonight, you were pulling a tack then falling in, you did so well Saturday and Sunday!

SA, 19 posts
8 Oct 2008 11:57AM
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haha thnks...
i tried my hardest
im pretty happy with my efforts tho

22 posts
8 Oct 2008 8:11PM
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Hi Guys! Thanks to all who made the trip down and took part of this years Beachport comp. It was great to see a good turnout (46) of wavesailors, speed sailors and juniors getting into it and making the most of the conditions.

Saturdays conditions were super light crossshore NW winds with grommets getting out on the lake and carving up (great to see a bunch of super young rippers getting into it!!) and the SUP's getting out in some nice clean little waves. Standout sailor for day 1 was definitely Richard Lumb on his Kona who sailed for a solid 5 hours and scored a lot of waves - you couldn't wipe the smile off his face!!!
On the speed front, the boys and girls on lake George were also struggling with the light wins. Penny Carrangis and Kirsty Sampson got out and actually got planing and were definitely the fastest sailors on day 1... even managing to beat Sam's 13.9knot peak. Forunately the Coopers/Redbulls were on ice and helped get everyone through. Saturday night saw a nice cruisy night at the Beachport hotel with everyone taking it easy expecting some serious sailing for day 2.

Sunday morning dawned another beautiful light wind day and the mood in the carpark was 'What happened to the forecast?'. The promise of strong crossshore winds quickly faded and some fun surfing and SUP riding kept the crew entertained for the morning. Midday came around and finally the wind and swell began to deliver. Within the hour a freshening 15 - 20 knot NW was sending the carpark into a frenzy and the conditions lined up with fun 1 - 3 foot swell. Chris Hale hit the water first and ripped through the break, with all sailors looking over their shoulder as they rigged on the lawns. The wind filled in for 30 minutes of great crossshore sailing with some great waveriding and aerials and progressively swung further offshore making for another hour of super challenging sailing. Standout sailors were Mens Open: Tim Hazelgrove, Scott MacKuskey, Ian Rushton, Chris Hale, Simon Folland, Dave Waston, Ladies: Kym Simmons, Penny Carrangis. Despite the best efforts of all sailors, the winner however was obvious. Dean Ryles tore the place apart wave after wave. Deano ripped for the entire session picking off every set wave and making the most of the 15 knot cross offshores with an awesome display of big laydown bottom turns, aerial off the lips and cutbacks. A truly deserved win.
Out on the lake, the GPS action was hotting up. A 3 way battle took place in the speed comp between Sam Docke, Carl MacDonald and Anthony Hamood. The eventual winner Sam Douke 32.6knots, 2nd Carl MacDonald and 3rd Anthony Hamood. The light conditions limiting speeds.

As luck would have it and with a good dose of Murphies law, the wind blew in as it should after the event. Monday dawned a wild 30 - 35 knot Southwester. With the comp over, sailors enjoyed various locations with crew out on the lake recording GPS speeds over 37 knots and a bunch of guys wave sailing between 1st and 3rd ramp at Robe.

Once again, a big thanks to sponsors Coopers and Redbull and special thanks to those who helped set up tents, flags etc - Mark Stewart, Scott Mac, Jamie Mc Court and Ben Treadwell. Really appreciate it!! If anyone has some good photo's I'm keen to see them! Cheers - Pete @ Onboard

SA, 896 posts
9 Oct 2008 4:08PM
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Well done Pete great event! It was good to see so many windsurfers. I missed the expression season as I was out on the lake blasting around on my 7·5m. Oh well maybe next time.

I got some okay waves Monday morning at 1st ramp.

QLD, 6481 posts
9 Oct 2008 11:10PM
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S.A has some great looking spots

SA, 3025 posts
10 Oct 2008 11:19AM
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Nice piccies Dave - great weekend all round congrats to Pete and co for organising it - pity some of us fatties struggled on Sunday just show you gotta take all your gear including light wind board - looks like third ramp was a bit stronger and less gusty on Monday than first ramp - couldn't seeany body sailing down there from first ramp - any big brown things swimming around out the back - one of the boys saw someting that freaked him out and brought things to an early end

Haircut said...

S.A has some great looking spots

You're right Haircut - there are some great spots - look at the SA coastline and you can see plenty of differnt angles, southern ocean swells, bays that swell wraps into and most winds are catered for - but like most its not always easy to be in the right place at the right time and most of the time your looking for someone to sail with.

Personal opinion here - we probably get more small/medium cross off wave sailing during winter than just about any where else in the country (tassie exception) - and summer can be pretty good B&J locally and wave sailing in country locations too - the beers good, the wines good, the crew are friendly and the sharks are large - what more can you want!

SA, 2878 posts
10 Oct 2008 3:16PM
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Brown or Grey? Or was it brown water after seeing grey?

SA, 1160 posts
10 Oct 2008 8:14PM
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there was heaps of massive clumps of sea weed! that was definatly what he saw!!! theres no sharks in sa????

Dr Duck
SA, 450 posts
11 Oct 2008 4:15PM
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With the passage of time I can at last reveal that it was I, Richard Upton, not Richard Lumb that was the mystery Kona rider at the Beachport Comp! It is pretty easy to get us mixed up tho. We both windsurf at Kingston Park, both about the same age, same height, dark hair, both Medical Scientists who live at Marino and catch the 7.45 train to work each day. However, Richard Lumb was an athelete at the 84 Olympics (470's) while Richard Upton just watched it on television.

Thanks to Pete for organizing this comp. Like I said on the first day (5-10 k) I had one backside ride that made the whole trip worthwhile, then I had another one frontside. Then a few more throughout the weekend! The Kona is great fun in these light conditions - a bit like getting a Coke out of a machine and getting your money back as well. You feel like you are cheating the system a bit! The ride is like a shortboard, but everything happens in slow motion! The only conditions that defeated me was on Sunday morning when it was dead offshore and 5 k. I know 5 k and dead onshore is doable from riding stormies off Kingston Park.

My biggest problem was that by the time the wind pipped up on Sunday arvo and the expression session was on, I was practically knackered and even a Red Bull couldn't energize me. I guess I had been on the water for 10 h or so over 2 days by then! Too tired to get my shortboard out, and too tired to try anything radical on the Kona. Might need to HTFU

Does any one have a photo of the Kona in action for my scrapbook?

The other Richard.

airush geoff
974 posts
15 Oct 2008 9:03AM
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Looks like you all had a pretty sweet weekend- that photo of "Dean in orbit" is unreal !

WA, 344 posts
16 Oct 2008 1:02PM
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more photos in photos section...

Bogan speed team
SA, 407 posts
16 Oct 2008 9:23PM
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Hey Grandfromage,

Thanks for the photos - they are great.



SA, 338 posts
17 Oct 2008 1:39AM
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no luck "Dr Duck"... still no shots of the hot shot..!
i think they were scared of that board you ride
Catch Ya

Dr Duck
SA, 450 posts
17 Oct 2008 10:05AM
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Cheers Dave! Obviously wasn't that interesting.

Riding a board that big in light wind and waves was great fun, but I was curious to see if it looked like fun as well.

Catch you around.

SA, 2878 posts
17 Oct 2008 10:10AM
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Dr Duck said...

Cheers Dave! Obviously wasn't that interesting.

Riding a board that big in light wind and waves was great fun, but I was curious to see if it looked like fun as well.

Catch you around.

It was definately fun to watch! maybe just work on those snap top turns,


WA, 344 posts
17 Oct 2008 8:34AM
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I'm afraid I dont have any photos of you. Unfortunately my wife was in charge of the camera whilst at the beach as i was SUP'ing most of the time. She obviously hasn't developed an eye for windsurfing photography. In her defence, she has only really had me to practice on, not very inspiring really!



jimbob SA
SA, 992 posts
17 Oct 2008 1:39PM
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Dr Duck, i was videoing my boys surfing and had some of you coming past them every now and then, also had the the sup guys too.
went to find it to put it on here but unfortuantly the boys wiped the disc to use it again.
Maybe next year.

SA, 2878 posts
17 Oct 2008 4:05PM
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I reckon I will have some video as well, will search for it tonight!

Dr Duck
SA, 450 posts
19 Oct 2008 11:11AM
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grandfromage - thanks for giving it a thought. You are doing better than me. My wife lets me windsurf on the explicit understanding that I do not make her stand on the beach and take photos!

jimbob - thanks also for giving it a thought

divaldo - thanks also, but maybe posting video is in the too hard basket?

As you can probably see, I always keen to promote "new school" longboards like the Kona. I really believe these boards have a lot to offer out sport. I love my shortboard, but the Kona has opened up light wind wave sailing like Beachport, classic freestyle, teaching, flat water blasting in offshore and patchy winds and long cruises up and down the coast. Priceless really!


Forums > Windsurfing   South Australia

"Beachport weekend photos" started by divaldo