That was entertaining :P
Some serious dance moves there at the start Koshi, did you make those up as you went or did you rehearse them ? (god help us)
Looked like a great day, will have to make sure I am the next one.
Cya at Boogey soon.
Nice one dude, “if i ever get married”... Koshi your my camera man for sure,
luv ya work...
Arrhhhh missed the man himself what day was he there!!!!
Good times
(god help us)
lol, actually, was just bitten by a wasp!
Kym, sorry you missed the man, your not the only one.
How embarrassment!
got sprung bad by a passing motorist!
had to pretend i was fixing the fence post { dressed up like a fruit tingle!! }
Classic!!!! Good to see you didn't get busted by the disco police driving past! Like the fact that jp himself attended!