Forums > Windsurfing   South Australia

Goolwa meet today (18OCT08)

Created by sharkbiscuit > 9 months ago, 18 Oct 2008
820 posts
18 Oct 2008 7:26PM
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Hi All

This is phuknunkle here (name change).

Thank you everyone for your help today. I planed for the first time !,
which is way more than I expected.

Special thanks to Nick for his advice about detuning the sail to make it
less powerful, and Dave (Divaldo) who finally made me understand the
concept of mast foot pressure. After they started giving me these tips,
things began to fall in place :)

I had four sessions. The first consisted of getting tipped off every
few minutes. I think I sailed for 5 seconds. I ended up doing a self
rescue :). The 2nd was a disaster when my base popped out of my board
after tring to adjust it in the water (man that was exhausting !)--
again, another self rescue.

3rd sess, things clicked, and I was planing !. I was going along
straight (I must have fluked the bearing away -- "bow & arrow"). The
wind picked up, the front of the board came out of the water, there was
another gust.. and then there was a big.. BIG F.O. !! surge in speed. I was
probably only going ~20km/h, but it's the fastest speed I've been on a
windsurf :). I pissed myself laughing when this happned. You guys
didn't hear it, but I was laughing manic like a kook. I haven't
experienced a sensation like this since I popping my first decent wheelie
on 80HP sports bike in my early 20's.

The 4th sess, I was going up and down like a yoyo. I was even bloody
tacking !. The tacks weren't anything special, but I was tacking ! --
everything came back to me from the course I did with Matt Stringer.
The wind had died by this stage, so everything was very easy to do.

I've got along way to go before I can say i'm profficient with my
equipment (maybe sometime in the next for weeks, I can burn the "L
plate" so to speak :), however, today was a progression jump that I did not
expect :).

This is such a fanastic hobby :). Today has made my week !. I'm dead
keen for the next meet ! :)

Nick: Yeah, I definately need to get some "booties". My feet are a bit
cut up from the self rescues hehe :)


SA, 251 posts
18 Oct 2008 11:07PM
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Hey great to hear your going well now,

I know how it feels when u spend heaps of time in the water and not on the board.
I know how much self rescues suck.

Oh well Hope to see you down at Goolwa one day.

Cheers Pittsy

ps. I might get some practice tomorow at Boggy Lake with Bubs so if your heading down hope to see you there!

SA, 2878 posts
18 Oct 2008 11:33PM
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Heres Phoebe and Kym cruising around later in the day, she is getting so much better, Gybes are a piece of cake, days usually end with "I did 24 gybes dad, how many didnt you do?'

Heres Jason having a crack, great effort today buddy, you stuck at it, knew what you were doing wrong and came good with some blistering runs, especially that third session! I reckon Matt taught you some good tips as you had it mastered by the end of the day,

hope you didnt fall asleeep on the way home? Fark that would have been a hard drive!

820 posts
19 Oct 2008 6:39PM
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The trip back seemed much slower... but it was definately
worth it. Yes, matt was an excellent teacher ;)

Thanks for taking photo. You can really see the leach
twisting there. I see what you mean about how a lose
leach is equavalent of shorting the area of the sail.

pittsy: Sure thing mate. Hope to meet you as well :)


Forums > Windsurfing   South Australia

"Goolwa meet today (18OCT08)" started by sharkbiscuit