I am about to head down for a look. Might not get wet though. I don't have a 3.2m sail unfortunately.
Surprised my roof in victor has not left the house yet!
Good to see the HI obs are working again.
I was on the South Coast for work this morning and snapped this shot early on:
I came past again a couple of hours later to take another shot, but the wind blew the camera out of my hands...
farking windy!!
Good thanks Dave. Busy with work and family, and not enough windsurfing!!
Hope to make the most of Spring and Summer. Hope you guys are well...
Was it rideable. I was talked out of going - too small he said. Did the hangtime smackdown session at Semaphore in 40 knots instead....
Yeah it was sort of rideable 1 to 2 foot waves with the accasional one. Then it hit 40 to 50 knots at least and then it was all over.
I made the wrong call, should have sailed yesterday instead of today. My 76 kgs wasn't enough to hold down a 4.2m. Crazy wind!