Looked like Semaphore was handy as well today,
If you were really lucky you got a cool little wave at Sellicks today,
and if you were lucky you didn't injure yourself or break something - had a couple of nice slams today and some fun jumps - some of the gusts were a tad strong despite the 4.2 - had to keep heading for myponga till you got a lull to gybe in - bloody good fun.
Stack of the day goes to Richards attempted duckie that hit a speed bump, catapulting him over the nose! sail and board went from 60kms to 0 in a split second, Richard kept going, landing on his back about 10 metres away! Hilarious!
Head to half mast? Where were you? Obviously not Sellicks.(unless you are really short and use a really small rig)
Nah, just another epic day at Semaphore....I wish. Robe, futher down the beach past third ramp. Unfortunately not many waves in the upper end of the mentioned scale but some good jumping to be had too.
Yeah.. a surprisingly go sesh at Sem's :)
I gave the other side of the rock break a crack (somebodies advice) since we had a SE upon us. It was great, but it got a bit lonely out there, so I decided to rejoin the human race:
I was a bit out of control with that downwinder. If I raised a few eye brows when I cut across peoples paths, then I am sorry for that... what can I say.. WOops
Kym let me have a go on his Naish 110L All terrain board. Nice :)
is any one going down sellicks looking at being 30 to 40 knots SE was going to go down there
and takes some pictures.
sailed Moana from 12.30 with a 5.3 and wave after long long wave, quite a few biggys, really really good until later in the day when the tide was fuller.
Its a good spot when Sellicks is a white out and the swell is better.
i love robe. such a awesome place!! DEFINATLY worth the trip. loved everysecond of it! cant wait till the next SE weekend. had soooo much fun and didnt cost much at all.
18-25k sail had at nene swell on the tame side but a normal minimum size for this time of year. ian and john at the channel and me drifting to the river mouth?
Bit bigger there today Pilly.
Notice the Nene Valley break forming up in the back ground,top left second pic
Went out there a couple of times this arvo, over head high but bit lumpy inbetween.
Heaps better fun on the lefts between the channel and the river. Most waves dished up 5 bottom turns.
Great afternoon but up for a new fin Got bit carried away on the left at the channel.
looks like nice clean conditions pilchard,thanks for posting some pics,,
now we know what we are missing out on.
was 50 knots on obs hill behind sellicks today--very windy
Wind and swell dropped off around 4. Riddles and John went home to early.
It kicked in again around 5 for an hour, 20 knots.
Should be good again tonight.I'll be at Orwell Rocks / Andrews Cove if your keen. Nice little left handers at the moment.
Robe was a blast over the weekend.
Great to get some waves 2-3 with the odd bigger set.
plenty of wind and half doz sailers....Brilliant