Forums > Windsurfing   South Australia

Nene Valley 25/1/12

Created by high as a kite > 9 months ago, 25 Jan 2012
high as a kite
SA, 1312 posts
25 Jan 2012 10:23PM
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Ty at Nene's today

SA, 30 posts
25 Jan 2012 11:18PM
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Awsome pics Mr. Grumpy. You work well as a subject Ty.

high as a kite
SA, 1312 posts
26 Jan 2012 7:39AM
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SA, 2878 posts
26 Jan 2012 8:28AM
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That second shot is a keeper. Looked a great session!

SA, 626 posts
26 Jan 2012 11:31AM
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valley of praise (not lobethal) lol
20k and fizzing, yes please see you there today HAAK and Ty?
good shots old man

high as a kite
SA, 1312 posts
27 Jan 2012 8:04AM
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Same sh#t different day. Side on 18 to 22 knots.

No pic's today, the old man spent 2 hours trying to find his brand new board. Now I know why we call him "Grumpy"
Found it on dark 2 k's down the beach on a reef, not a mark on it.
Off shore winds not ideal for finding gear..thank god there was a big swell to push it back in.

SA, 626 posts
27 Jan 2012 9:45PM
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was it side on mate? or side off. stoked for ya about the board.
not worth the drive today realy, swell died.
have you seen mid next weeks forcast tues,wed and thurs all a bit blowy and lumpy

high as a kite
SA, 1312 posts
27 Jan 2012 11:06PM
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pilchard said...

not worth the drive today realy, swell died.

Yeah, wind and swell dropped off but still had fun at Pebbles

Torqauy all next week. "NEED A REST"

SA, 1200 posts
28 Jan 2012 8:29PM
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pilchard said...
not worth the drive today realy, swell died.

What are you on?? call yourself a local???
Swell did drop but it was alot of fun

SA, 626 posts
28 Jan 2012 11:55PM
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you can pick and choose a bit when your 25 mins away,
might go to pebbles a bit more for a look this summer and grow some goolies, hit nene for 3 or 4 waves that day about 5pm and was average 40 mins tops, definately more swell there going by those pics ty
im just a blessed outsider really, michelles the local

SA, 1200 posts
29 Jan 2012 8:12AM
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pilchard said...

you can pick and choose a bit when your 25 mins away,

Yes you can, you are very lucky
I'm just happy to see waves, Adelaide is not the best


Forums > Windsurfing   South Australia

"Nene Valley 25/1/12" started by high as a kite