What a sail for Sellicks
-waves, waist to head high
-4.8m sail,Over powered in the end
-It made a old fat man very happy
Sounds like Sellicks was the goods yesterday. No wind up here at Semaphore! If I was to Sail Sellicks today, what time should I aim to get there? Is the wind consistent later? Also, do you think today will be even stronger wind than yesterday based on the forecast? Cheers for any advise
Blowin it bits off at the moment down here - high tide though makes it a bit less appealing.
Sailing down here is always a bit of a gamble and always a bit on and off can be 0-30 knts just need a bit of float in ya board and hang on for the gusts,.
Was hard to hold on to your sail on the wave faces yesterday as you bare away - wind was quite off shore and it would rip the thing out of your hand on a top turn later in the day.
A lot of crew will hit it from low tide in the arvo if its windy - but you could probably sail it right now
Great pics... well done! Overpowered late in the day on my 4.5m. Finally got to see "The Funnel" working Love it!
Got some more pics if you send me a PM guys with your sail coulours I can send you the pics I got of you.
I got a couple of most people on the water
Nice Shots Darryl, and some great sailing from the guys on the water. Looks like good times at Sellicks.
Thanks Daryl. That looks as bad as it felt out there... totally out of control! Bubs, I want my 3.7 back
SWEET as Weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I thought that i may have missed it by not making it down to Robe, but Selicks turned it on.
Great waves for the metro beachs and bucket loads of wind ...............Awesome.
Cheers Zubby
Love my new boards
June want take long to come around.Be good to see you on the water again