I guess it would look something like this... (www.boggylake.org)
but I know naff all about these things! Anyone care to help?
I mean, if Middleton can have one, surely boggy's worthy?
Fare is fare, some guys don't like sailing in the ocean.
I guess its to see what size sail people are using so they can choose before the leave home.
half those guys need a full blown trailer to cart all there **** so being able to know before, makes packing easy.
You must have good eyesight Josh cause ive never been able to read anyones sail size from the shore, let alone on a Webcam. Pretty hard to tell the difference between two sails half a sq metre apart or even a metre apart that said from a distance.
Agreed though....horses for courses....if they want a cam for a muddy lake...so be it.
Gets windy and flat enough to do over 35 knots for us speed sailors. Might only be flat, muddy water but a webcam will show if whitecapping and worth the drive. Give us somewhere off the local coast to do over 35 knots and we'll be there
PS definately each to their own.
ha ha Josh, your soo funny, lucky im short so i didnt have far to fall when i fell of my chair laughing.....
I didnt even know they made 12 metre windsurfing sails?????????
To be honest, i totally forget about windsurfing when there is no wind, i am so into paddleboarding and surfing....... until the next windy day anyway.
Getting back to the topic yet again... do yourselves a favour. Best to put in the Boggy Lake Dunny before installing the webcam. Guess you don't want to log in to your favorite webcam only to see a hairy arsed lake dweller hanging a crap before your very eyes!