Quick rapup on results
Thankyou everyone for making the effort to come and be part of the West Coast
Wave Classic, thankyou Ben Severne and James Hooper for travelling over from WA to be involved, certainly gives us a standard to aspire to in the future!
Overall best sailor for the event was voted to Ben Severne
Hellman award voted to Peter Ross for running across shin deep water towards a
head high breaking wave with a fin thrashing out of it (dolphins luckily heh heh)
All prizes donated by sponsors Ben Severne, Peter Boems @ Onboard Glenelg and Zac were randomly drawn so that anyone sailing had the chance of winning!
Ripcurl Wetsuit prize (Pete Onboard) - Brett Roberts
Wave Grenade Mast Ext (Ben Severne) - Kym Symonds
Severne Back Pack (Pete Onboard) - Dave
Severne Boardies (Ben Severne) - Cain
WCWC T shirt (Zac) - Scotty Mac
WCWC T shirt (Zac) - Warren Hood
WCWC T shirt (Zac) Junior award- u were rippin - Kurt
Harness Lines (Pete Onboard) - Josh
Prizes from Pete can be picked up from Onboard, Thankyou sponsors
Thankyou to photographers Fredo and Susie, please feel free to attach pics
Look forward to a bigger and better next year!!!! Regards Zac
Hey guys,
Firstly, I appologise for not getting some images up here from the second day down around Lincoln. The images are ready to go I just haven't had the time in the evening to upload the files.
Secondly, i've received several enquiries regarding images. Unfortunately, I viewed (and accidently deleted) some of these emails on my iPhone thinking they would show up in the inbox of my home computer - they didn't and i've learnt a valuable lesson there. So, to ScottyMac and Richard - i've unfortunately lost your contact details in cyberspace...
I'll be straight with people. I didn't take images of every single rider over the two days. The way I work is this; if you happen to catch my eye then there's a chance I have an image of you. This might come across as being blunt or arrogant however I just don't have the time (or hard-drive space) to virtually sift through hundreds of images from a particular session in the hope "someone" might purchase an image. Also, with 20+ guys in the water at any one time the chances of getting an individual shot are significantly decreased. In summary, overall I shot what appealed to me, focussing on quality which hopefully is reflected in the images on my website to give you a greater understanding.
In saying all that, I do have images of a variety of riders and I will endeavour to add some more images from the WCWC tonight.