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Forums > Windsurfing   South Australia

beware of big "dolphins"

Created by HAIL > 9 months ago, 22 Apr 2012
SA, 1160 posts
22 Apr 2012 9:09PM
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good day had by all at middleton today. I was a bit side tracked after seeing this about 4 metres behind me.

SA, 3025 posts
23 Apr 2012 9:20AM
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I only saw flipper - but was thinking about your shark story as I was treading water waiting for a gust to water start - da duh da duh daduhdaduhdaduh
The sailing was a bit of fun at least - but o for a consistent 25knts instead of 20 mins of 15-25 then half hour of 0-15

SA, 2878 posts
23 Apr 2012 10:43AM
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Middleton was heaps fun on the SUP yesterday, might need to put some footstraps on it though

SA, 316 posts
23 Apr 2012 1:22PM
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I had them circling me on my swimming in, Needless to say the first sight had me breathing pretty heavily!

SA, 2878 posts
23 Apr 2012 2:51PM
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barri said...

I had them circling me on my swimming in, Needless to say the first sight had me breathing pretty heavily!

I must admit, when I was watching you swimming in and fins were seen surrounding you, I was a bit nervous!

welcome to Day St

Did you head out after your swim? Sorry for my dog wanting your lunch BTW

SA, 316 posts
23 Apr 2012 3:33PM
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haha no worries.

Yea went out after with a bigger a sail and more wind and caught my first waves, loved it!!

SA, 3025 posts
23 Apr 2012 3:55PM
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barri said...

I had them circling me on my swimming in, Needless to say the first sight had me breathing pretty heavily!

Was an impressive swim - welcome to day st - 30 knts one minute - sheet glass the next - it doesn't matter what you rig cause at some stage it will be right

SA, 316 posts
23 Apr 2012 5:35PM
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russh said...

barri said...

I had them circling me on my swimming in, Needless to say the first sight had me breathing pretty heavily!

Was an impressive swim - welcome to day st - 30 knts one minute - sheet glass the next - it doesn't matter what you rig cause at some stage it will be right

It is definately the flukiest wind ive sailed in, but semaphore is pretty good in that respect.
Lets just hope that's my swim out the way.....but i doubt it ha

Richard Neill
WA, 115 posts
23 Apr 2012 5:49PM
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divaldo said...

barri said...

I had them circling me on my swimming in, Needless to say the first sight had me breathing pretty heavily!

I must admit, when I was watching you swimming in and fins were seen surrounding you, I was a bit nervous!

welcome to Day St

Did you head out after your swim? Sorry for my dog wanting your lunch BTW

That wasn't just a swim, that was a marathon! Nice wave you rode after heading back out!

SA, 316 posts
23 Apr 2012 9:26PM
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Cheers Richard, definitely glad that wind came back up!

Slim Jim
SA, 202 posts
25 Apr 2012 7:47AM
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Young fella,
1. Uphaul
2. More volume - When the wind is offshore (the conditions a wave sailor craves) it's gusty, full stop - adapt to it - I ride 18L more volume than my body mass - biggest breakthru I had when I was learning. Perhps, save the smaller board (vol approaching mass) for Mid Coast sessions when the N'ly is roaring unimpeded down the Gulf.

SA, 316 posts
25 Apr 2012 7:25PM
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Slim Jim said...

Young fella,
1. Uphaul
2. More volume - When the wind is offshore (the conditions a wave sailor craves) it's gusty, full stop - adapt to it - I ride 18L more volume than my body mass - biggest breakthru I had when I was learning. Perhps, save the smaller board (vol approaching mass) for Mid Coast sessions when the N'ly is roaring unimpeded down the Gulf.

Yea i definitely need to get used to gusty conditions, never really had to yet.
I was riding 92l freestyle wave and my other board is a 133l starboard carve. Would you recommend using that in waves?
Also, i had only rode that board once before so I was a bit shaky on such a low volume.
As for the uphaul i had a new boom and forgot to put it on... maybe i was just a little too excited haha.

SA, 2878 posts
25 Apr 2012 9:31PM
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I have a 122 Starboard carve....its crap in waves

barri said...

Slim Jim said...

Young fella,
1. Uphaul
2. More volume - When the wind is offshore (the conditions a wave sailor craves) it's gusty, full stop - adapt to it - I ride 18L more volume than my body mass - biggest breakthru I had when I was learning. Perhps, save the smaller board (vol approaching mass) for Mid Coast sessions when the N'ly is roaring unimpeded down the Gulf.

Yea i definitely need to get used to gusty conditions, never really had to yet.
I was riding 92l freestyle wave and my other board is a 133l starboard carve. Would you recommend using that in waves?
Also, i had only rode that board once before so I was a bit shaky on such a low volume.
As for the uphaul i had a new boom and forgot to put it on... maybe i was just a little too excited haha.

QLD, 1287 posts
26 Apr 2012 12:54PM
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divaldo said...

Note the entry for Beachport on the Sunday 8th April (Easter weekend)

Surf was great about 800 metres down the coast that day!

its funny people log PT JACKSON shark sightings??
one of those couldn't eat the skin off a old custard tart.

more to the point how the hell do you see one??

SA, 1200 posts
22 Jun 2012 10:11AM
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Your mate was down at Middleton last week chris
A big Dolphin with a retro fin as Scotty Mac Said
Its a different colour to the rest of the dolphins,But its fin is like a old retro fin on a surf board.
They are the biggest dolphins I have seen?
one come up next to me out the back,he was bigger than my board.Big Boys
No Sharks,**** load of dolphins

HAIL said...

good day had by all at middleton today. I was a bit side tracked after seeing this about 4 metres behind me.

Scotty Mac
SA, 2055 posts
22 Jun 2012 9:40PM
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yer seen the "retro" dolphin for a few weekends in a row now. shiwt myself when i first saw it, cos it doesnt go up an down as much as a normal dophin, kind of loves driving a bow wave........and its big

SA, 3025 posts
23 Jun 2012 9:16AM
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Anyone heading down to chase the big dolphins after lunch - could be 20knt wnw - just dont lose your gear - da da da da

Are the whales at dribs yet


Forums > Windsurfing   South Australia

"beware of big "dolphins"" started by HAIL