Most frustrating day massive swell plenty of wind but couldn't find anything safe enough to sail on my own......used up half a tank of fuel just looking.....I need to get more hard core
Found out at the end of the day there was a good swell coming up the river should have gone out from South Arm
Park big swell but still possible to get out if I wasn't on my own
Speck Island
Speck Island
Whale Rock
Park/Carlton from Tigerhead bluff
Clifton could have got out between sets but no wind near south end
Ant - reckon you are right about the river off South Arm given Steve's comments - I suspect he was off Kingston??. I had a look off Sandy Bay before midday & the wind looked pretty crappy but if Mortimer was anything to go by it would have been pretty good at the river mouth. This location does not seem to be on the radar when big swell & wind are about but it needs to be at least considered when other spots are no good. Even silly old farts should be able to remember it.
we need to try iron pot, or go off blue lagoon again. forget the river, tried blessington st. etc before, no go.
Watching forum with interest, but not sailing much nowadays (2/year..... previously 30+/year). Given some were looking for wavesailing on Sunday, I thought I write about setups on the east coast on Sunday (Mercury Passage - Swansea). Wind was 30+ knots, S or SSW, particularly strong in the arvo. The surf points there were only 3 foot, but the wind opened up heaps of options. Hermitage reef would have been pure cross shore with some nice wave-riding on the north side of the reef itself. Kelvedon Beach looked ace. The point was breaking decent size, with some wrap-arounds into the southern end of the beach where you could sail, as the wind was screaming over the southern headland...super clean, sailing straight into the (smallish) ramps. Golf Course point (in Swansea itself) may have also been possible, but I didn't look too close and have never surfed. Other options may have been Little Swanport. Wind cross-offshore to start with (SW), and then screaming cross shore later in the day (S-SSW; but the swell was dribbling by then).... a bit challenging getting in and out of the water with a sailboard perhaps, with bouldery shore and tide either ripping in or out right next to it, but nice sand bar on the south side, and heaps of clear run to ramps.... short port tack wave riding (the wave is a left hander, unfortunately). Any gear failure or downwind drift potentially an issue, owing to tidal factors and waves on rocky shore. Might be easiest to get in the water inside the lagoon, sail across channel, then walk/sail around to sandbar. Mercury passage at the shack hamlet of Rheban was probably also on... but more open-water big rollers. On that note, I used to sail Taroona on big swells and southerlies. Launching at beach just south of high school (need to know where rocks are) and working up wind to Crayfish Point. If wind a little too offshore for Sandy Bay, this stretch of coast can deliver (wind direction when a little offshore for Dorans, and people used to head to Seven Mile instead). I remember sailing Taroona on Boxing Day, maybe 1997, with a 3.5 m, kinda being forced to take huge jumps because the swells breaking in front of me everywhere. Best "flatwater" day I've ever had.
very good point, with all the pointless driving down here on sunday we could of been all the way up the east coast.
little swanport and hermitage only 1 hour away too!,