Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

Back of Lighthouse

Created by houston > 9 months ago, 12 May 2010
TAS, 3173 posts
12 May 2010 10:23PM
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Most you you would have heard of the Arthur Pieman Conservation Area Darft Report and the potential closure of some of the tracks on the west coast. We were concerned of the closure of the track to the Back of Lighthouse (BOL) which is without a doubt the best wave sailing spot in Tas and one of the best in Aus.
The newly elected El Presidente of Windsurfing Tasmania hit the ground running and took on the task of finding out whether this track was on the endangered list. Only being content in going staight to the top he met with the Director of Primary Industries Water and Enviroment and was assured the access to BOL would remain open.
Clyde, well done for acting so quickly, obviously Kazza is not your only asset, you also have friends in high places.
For those who haven't seen or experienced BOL, it is a fantastic reef break which works when the swell hits 4m or over and best on a SWesterly. Pretty crazy place and always scares the s..... out of me, but even a silly old fart like me can take it on. Getting out isn't all that bad as there's no beach break, just a deep channel, so you can quite easily get up the back, find the biggest wave in the set, (on a 4m-5m swell that puts the wave face 3/4 to mast high) ride it in, let it jack up then rip it. Well that's the theory well mastered by the likes of Kaleb and Pottsy however for me, well I often end up pretty trashed and spat out into the channel ready for the next attempt.
Photos supplied courtesy of Pottsy, you can quite easliy tell the pros from the amaeteurs.
If you want to see more pics go to

TAS, 2342 posts
13 May 2010 9:34AM
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Yes I've had 1 sail at BOL and it scared the absolute **** out of me. That may have been the 50 knot winds not helping and being totally overpowered and scared I was going to fall in on every gybe and get eaten by sharks! I'm hanging out to try it on a nice pleasant breeze day, although it still looks awfully big and munchy.
I told you Clyde has plenty of energy, he doesn't muck around, he loves to help people when asked to.

TAS, 2433 posts
13 May 2010 2:09PM
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Kazza said...

Yes I've had 1 sail at BOL and it scared the absolute **** out of me. That may have been the 50 knot winds not helping and being totally overpowered and scared I was going to fall in on every gybe and get eaten by sharks! I'm hanging out to try it on a nice pleasant breeze day, although it still looks awfully big and munchy.
I told you Clyde has plenty of energy, he doesn't muck around, he loves to help people when asked to.

Excellent I need the house painted, fences fixed and driveway regravelled.

TAS, 2342 posts
13 May 2010 5:19PM
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Oh your a funny guy aren't ya! Ha Ha Ha, I think he'd tell you to get stuffed on that one. Mr BOL

TAS, 1664 posts
13 May 2010 6:14PM
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I would say ignore mr bol if he's like that, but then he sulks. :)

great pics ant, is that your famous dumping ?

And where did rob go (oops wrong thread)

TAS, 2433 posts
13 May 2010 9:54PM
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FoS said...

I would say ignore mr bol if he's like that, but then he sulks. :)

great pics ant, is that your famous dumping ?

And where did rob go (oops wrong thread)

Sulk! What's that meen? Right, I'm not talking to anyone anymore!

TAS, 3173 posts
13 May 2010 10:08PM
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Buzzy, you fighting with Father David, god help us

SA, 227 posts
14 May 2010 7:38AM
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theres some massive waves down there and some gear braking stacks
but bet you guys had fun

TAS, 2342 posts
14 May 2010 9:43AM
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Yer buzzy, go back to watching Home & Away.

TAS, 18 posts
3 Jun 2010 12:46PM
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When's the next bol trip planned? And just to be pre-emptive of the next reply, yes, I am still allowed to come with you all, because I sail better than Houston.

TAS, 3173 posts
3 Jun 2010 10:50PM
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Should try and get another trip in before winter sets in, I'm pretty sure Al Mcleod and Pottsy are coming down for a winter session but it'll be bloody cold. Nick Taylor would be keen but he's a dumb p..... like you, can't read or write cos i don't see him on this web site, so I'll ring him to see if he'd be in. Would you come down?

TAS, 18 posts
4 Jun 2010 1:44PM
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just depends when- haven't started course here yet and don't know dates... Won't be able to come once 14 weeks of theory starts.


Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

"Back of Lighthouse" started by houston