Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

Bakers 10/12

Created by Al Planet > 9 months ago, 14 Dec 2010
Al Planet
TAS, 1546 posts
14 Dec 2010 12:11PM
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While a stack of guys were busting records at the Henty a couple of us headed to Bakers in the hope of some classic DTL conditions. As it turned out the swell was a little small for the western end of the beach so we spent the first hour sailing about 500 meters further east where the swell was pretty solid but the wind was a little onshore. Later on we moved back up to the corner and each did about 10 minutes filming. When it was my turn to film the wind pretty much dropped out so that limited things a bit. From this small amount of footage I have managed to create the most stupidly annoying windsurfing video ever made.

Stupid is a kind of theme for 2010 with to many great examples to mention but hopefully I am still in the running for a stupid award. Maybe the US government might invite me to be an ambassador ( I am more than capable of sitting in trendy cafes reading stupid newspapers and coming up with the appropriate and stupidly worded diplomatic cables). Maybe there is a place for me as a cricket selector? Who knows where such stupidity may lead!

TAS, 3173 posts
14 Dec 2010 10:08PM
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Al, usually movies look pretty lame uless you're Tappo filming BOL on a mast high day, I tend to go for the photo shots, take hundreds, sift through and post the "awesome" pics that will impress everyone.
Looked like you guys were having fun, who was out there? Was that Dickpryde in the yellow helmet?

TAS, 1664 posts
15 Dec 2010 6:53AM
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great vid

Al Planet
TAS, 1546 posts
15 Dec 2010 2:40PM
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houston said...

Al, usually movies look pretty lame uless you're Tappo filming BOL on a mast high day, I tend to go for the photo shots, take hundreds, sift through and post the "awesome" pics that will impress everyone.
Looked like you guys were having fun, who was out there? Was that Dickpryde in the yellow helmet?

No sign of Nick being a Friday and all, it was me Jason and Klaus (who was sailing a nice looking Tabou Quad).

The camera is definitely the best way to make a typical north coast day look good. That frozen moment can look pretty awesome even with small surf condition particularly if the sun is out and there is a bit of spray flying around. Regardless I still like the way that the video camera captures all of the action, and particularly the wipe outs. When you just look at a single frame a move can look completely in control but two frames later everything is a mess. Editing can be a problem though, I still cant resist the temptation to use strange effects, colour, sound and chop the video up into little bits…HELP ME…I am a victim of the technology.!!!!

TAS, 3173 posts
15 Dec 2010 8:38PM
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Sorry Al, can't help you, whats teckknowlgy mean anyway?

Al Planet
TAS, 1546 posts
16 Dec 2010 11:03AM
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houston said...

Sorry Al, can't help you, whats teckknowlgy mean anyway?

Well Antman teckknowlgy all started back in 1953 when the American discovered an alien space probe out in the desert. This irrevocably changed history because of the development of illectronics (and other stuff) this is why we have mobile phones and other cool stuff. I would like to say more but......

TAS, 44 posts
19 Dec 2010 10:38AM
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Good editing Al, reminds me a little of the early Neil Pryde videos. The sound track is a little unusual, but kind of catchy as well. It's a big two thumbs up from me.

Al Planet
TAS, 1546 posts
19 Dec 2010 1:11PM
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js666 said...

Good editing Al, reminds me a little of the early Neil Pryde videos. The sound track is a little unusual, but kind of catchy as well. It's a big two thumbs up from me.

Thanks Jason, I have had to tolerate more of that sound track than is good for the sanity as the "Bop It" game does get a bit of a work out at home.

I think the old NP vids are much cooler, love the eighties, Oakleys were cool, short shorts were cool, being cool was cool.......a lot like 2010.

TAS, 1972 posts
19 Dec 2010 1:23PM
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wow they are mad as, that guy was hammering at around the 4:10min mark.

TAS, 487 posts
19 Dec 2010 1:24PM
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Thats an awesome vid...brings back memories of the early days...bring back the eighties

Al Planet
TAS, 1546 posts
19 Dec 2010 4:15PM
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Rustbucket68 said...

Thats an awesome vid...brings back memories of the early days...bring back the eighties

Things not to love about the eighties....Masts that would last less than a couple of months, Crappy Np mast bases, booms..... at least polyester boards seemed pretty indestructible but a little heavier...


Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

"Bakers 10/12" started by Al Planet