Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

Bicep curls don't work

Created by Kazza > 9 months ago, 30 Jul 2012
TAS, 2342 posts
30 Jul 2012 10:51AM
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I've been increasing the weights for bicep curls in bar class lately to prepare for holding onto my slalom rig in really strong conditions ready for Henty, Stanley etc. But yesterday and today they are so sore from Saturdays sail, so there goes that theory

TAS, 543 posts
30 Jul 2012 11:21AM
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Hey Kazza,
If it makes you feel any better, I'm a daily lunch time gym junkie, and have been since I hurt my back 3 years ago - but I am still sore from Saturday as well... it's a good thing, not a bad thing.

If you're already stepping up weights, then you're getting stronger.
I can highly recommend reverse push-ups for Windsurfing strength training, as it's not primarily the biceps holding the rig, it's your upper back/lats.

I've found a youtube clip that is the best example I can quickly find. But basically a strap with handles or a bar, or a boom tied to something higher like the roof, or a tree, which allows you to lay on the ground and pull yourself up with your hands slightly wider than should width apart...a push-up in reverse. This will work out "windsurfing parts" of your muscles.
I did watch this with the sound muted, I can't vouch for his advice :-).

TAS, 2342 posts
30 Jul 2012 11:53AM
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Thanks Johnny, I'll give those a go, I screen print every day which is very much like the windsurfing action and some inks are like concrete especially in winter so those muscles get a great daily workout, but I haven't had much work on lately so the little armies have been having a holiday from that action

TAS, 2433 posts
30 Jul 2012 1:37PM
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Reverse push ups look good.
Kazz how much weight you lifting in those curls, how many reps etc.

QLD, 2995 posts
30 Jul 2012 5:27PM
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Chin ups. Lots of chin ups. If you can work up to three to five sets of ten, then you can handle anything windsurfing can throw at you.

TAS, 2213 posts
30 Jul 2012 7:07PM
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Kazza said...

I've been increasing the weights... in bar class lately

Yeah same here, I'm now drinking long necks instead of stubbies, just need to get on the water to see if it's working
And if doing chin-ups, do them with the same grip you hold the boom with ie/ over hand / underhand / or combo (swap for different tack).

TAS, 2647 posts
30 Jul 2012 7:14PM
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OMG! NOt the gym discussion again. Didnt we go through this last winter. with much debate.
Windsurfing does help, wait for spring and build up. Has worked for most sailors for many years (except those at an elite level)..
Thats my opinion anyway.

TAS, 1993 posts
30 Jul 2012 8:39PM
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Yep, sounds like the same discussion ....

Hmmm, was out with a 7.0m for over 5hrs that day in pretty strong winds at times and felt fine the next day, ... and I'm certainly not well toned and have only been out a couple of times in the last few months?

You shouldn't be struggling with the rig, even in the strong stuff, just let the wind spill and keep the speed up.

Make sure you have enough down-haul and have your harness lines in the right spot. Sail comfortably. Pointing upwind reduces the effort and sailing off the wind allows you to go for it for speed. Reaching back and fourth directly across the wind will probably take it out of you quicker as you're more powered up and usually not going that fast.

TAS, 2342 posts
31 Jul 2012 10:19AM
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It's not the actual sailing where the arms fatigue, it's like the last time I went to Stanley and you had to start off slightly downwind and trying to keep hold of the rig when beach starting in 30 knots really tired them, mind you I needed a smaller sail as well. That's why I'm trying to getting stronger in the biceps, so I can stay out longer and also less risk of injurying myself. And for some funny reason, I think males are stronger the females
And I do agree, lot's of sailing is the key....bit chilly though!
Buzzy I'm lifting 8 kg(not in each arm), no reps, just doing a bar (pump) class and that's not at the bar Easty so the biceps are pushed to fatigue once a week.

TAS, 1973 posts
31 Jul 2012 11:34AM
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Ya need to hit the gym at least 3 times a week and more than 30min at a time to notice effects. Focussing on the whole upper body will be better too. I bike ride (MTB) 3 times a week, at 20km each. Run twice a week, at 6km each and hit the gym 3-4 times a week, for 1 and a half hours each. Focussing on the whole body. Mind you I have the time to do this with a athlete class dedicated to do gym at school. Plus I play futsol haha and windsurf when ever. Remember my age though... :) so I feel fine. (apart from when im in the gym)

TAS, 2342 posts
31 Jul 2012 12:36PM
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What is Futsol?
Your an energetic young fella there Izaak, you must be soooo fit, well done.

TAS, 1973 posts
31 Jul 2012 1:15PM
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It's indoor soccer.

TAS, 1651 posts
31 Jul 2012 1:26PM
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I play and try to keep up with my kids, that's about it.

I was not sore the next day on the 7.0 on Saturday. I agree with Dave's points here, and also try to be comfortable and not over gripping the boom because it's cold.

Boom height to high or low can wear you out quick. I adjust for conditions early in the sail and then generally do not get sore at all. I do find cramp in the legs an issue in colder weather and my commitment to want to be on the water when cold has always been an issue for me. Windsurfing is about fun; it you don't enjoy it one day just go home and come again another day when it is fun.

But cold miserable conditions is not my thing.

TAS, 543 posts
31 Jul 2012 2:28PM
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Keep working out Kazza and persevering - you'll be able to arm wrestle these guys into submission one day :-)
The way our muscles react, tear, repair, and how they are used is so unique for each of us, it shouldn't be compared.

As for WHY we're sore - haha, I'll leave that for the another discussion.

TAS, 2342 posts
31 Jul 2012 2:54PM
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I'm always sore after not sailing for months on end, right where the bicep attaches to the elbow, like you've given blood. If I sail the following week then that soreness isn't there. Weird how some people are affected and others aren't.

TAS, 2647 posts
31 Jul 2012 10:13PM
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Yeah guys have to agree, i have a big repetiore of .. um..mmm..ahhh...yeah well i like windsurfing..

Seriously one of my mates is Jim, i ride a curl and like the bar


Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

"Bicep curls don't work" started by Kazza