Hi all,
Due to an extra family member ariving 2 weeks ago, i found myself high and dry with the wife & 3 kids, at Akaroa, St Helens so i grabbed a few photos to post of 'Iceman' and others (appologies i dont know your names) sailing at Scout Beach a few days ago.
the afternoon breezes have been 15 plus most days and there has been a few out at different times windsurfing and kiting.
Please note the white building in background is known as 'scout hall' for those refering to the 'winsurfer spot guide'.
Whilst im only a summer ring in to Georges bay, its a great sail for us less serious punters. Hope to see more of you on the bay soon.
( for anybody who is wondering, i have figured out the what is causing these kids to keep fronting and i will be buying a TV soon!!!!)
also check out the clown in the tinny towing a tube only feet from the shore, not just to drop off but every lap! red neck!!
cheers to alljavascript:insertsmilie('')
Ant, I talked to the girl in question, her and her partner were very nice people from South Australia and we had a good yarn. All welcome here, the more the merrier.
Missed my chance though, didn't think to ask why they had board shorts over their wetsuits. Still got me baffled.
Jason, thanks for the pictures, sure we will get you out and sailing soon. Now is the time while the northerlies are here.