looking like it will go off next week at Port Sorell low tide is good all week with low at 11:00 am Wednesday.would be keen for henty still but the tides a worry again.
Monday-20-28 knots WSW
Tuesday-19-25 (increasing later) WSW
Wednesday-30-40 W
Thursday-20-30 SW
always does man, see you sunday..... early hopefully, i recon you should have a far old sesh tomorrow looking at the far carst
what are yours and perks thoughts on henty at some stage durring the week????? Tez is happy to go down
were considering it, at the moment not to sure looks better here but may be better at henty if the surges have finished.
would be quite good on a SW back the other way and may get a easier NM that way but we will see what happens.
I'm keen to have a crack at a NM run at Montagu on Wed or Thur in a big WSW Bouy Weather is forecasting 30 to 40 kts both days. The yellow line is a NM the white line is forecast direction.
Looks like Wed/Thu are still both windy. Montague sounds good Johno, I don't reckon I can make it up there, but be great to see how that run goes.
I reckon my best bet at this stage is to be at Henty on Thursday. Will keep checking the forecast....
Be great to get a nautical mile run in at Henty!!
Hey Kazza
Montagu 20 min west of Smithton is the last stop before Woolnorth/ Cape Grim, the run in the pic is just at the bottom of Robbins island evidently the tide is 2 hrs later than Stanley so wed or thur around 12.00 would be ideal.
Dave the swell forecast for Henty is 9 metres I reckon that would come over the sandbank.
i think montagu is the go good low tide big winds.i think henty may be worse with a high tide all day and big big swell.
Yeah, you might be right, and it would be great to give Montagu a go. Will keep an eye on the forecast.
Forecast is still looking extremely windy over the next two days and now also into Friday. I'm going to head over to Strahan tomorrow for work and will stay over for Thursday. I'll be taking my gear with me and may get a chance to go out at Henty on Thursday afternoon. At the very least I hope to walk the run with my GPS and see how long it is now (hopefully over a NM).
Goodluck to everyone everywhere if they manage to get out, especially at Montague!!
I'm in Strahan now. Should get to at least have a look at the run and see how it is later today. The sea was pretty rough yesterday and no doubt will be again today. I'm not planning to go out. Goodluck at BOL.
Cape Sorell waverider hit 17m, must be pumping on the west coast.
I'll be in D'port on the weekend, might get a sail in if the wind hangs around.