An update, with new spot record for Port Sorell ...
Stanley East Inlet
44.11 Kaleb Smith
Port Sorell
43.416 Dave Morehead
Henty River
42.39 Dave Morehead
40.910 Izaak Perkins
40.09 Dave Morehead
Stanley West Inlet
38.150 Ian Johnston
37.43 Kaleb Smith
Mortimer Bay
37.100 Dave Morehead
Marion Bay Lagoon
36.72 Kaleb Smith
35.840 Dave Morehead
34.570 Ian Johnston
Tamar River
34.508 Izaak Perkins
Moulting Lagoon
34.350 Jason Smith
Derwent River
34.280 Dave Morehead
Nice spot record Dave, and good sailing guys.
following on from Izaaks request, that would make the spot records list rather long. i.e River Derwent how many spots there, Pittwater would have to become Sorell and Midway Causeways, etc.
just a thought.
Yep, probably need to work that one out as we go and unless a spot has a specific run (such as east and west inlets at Stanley or Main Run and Muddy Creek, Port Sorell), then I'd just group all spots in the Derwent River under Derwent River and all spots around Pittwater as Pittwater. We call Mortimer and Doran's different spots, so worth keeping different for the spot records.
To keep the list down, we could make it spot records over 35 knots. This way a spot has to be good enough to get 35 knots before it can be recognised? That would cut quite a few spots off the list as it stands ...
Good points only reason I asked as i had 40 at a new spot basically a whole differents river. On a south east breeze.
When it comes to speed sailing, which the whole 2sec thingy is all about then there has to be the option of listing each run in a given area. Ipaak should have Muddy runs listed as a PB for a new location. Same area but a completely different sailing experience.
Yep, I reckon include Muddy Creek as a seperate spot.
How about we make it very spot specific and set the minimum 2-sec at 35 knots?
If you do a 35+ run off Sandy Bay and a 35+ off Howrah Beach (both in the Derwent River), they'd both be seperate spot records?
Alternatively, we up the ante and set the minimum 2-sec at 40 knots! A lot of good spots won't get a mention though.
If we can automate this somehow (or have manual entry by the spot record holder), then it won't matter how many 'spots' there are or what the 2-sec minimum limit is?
I would love to own a spot record one day
I was thinking if we could do a top 10 ranking of sailors at popular spots? Could be fun like at Port Sorell and Dorans, Stanley and Henty to encourage good healthy targets for developing speed sailors on the journey to a spot records.
Tassie Speed Seekers have so many super fast sailors I think a list like this would create good banter between us at all levels. who is fast on flat who is better in the chop that kind of stuff.
This is probably hard to do ?