Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

Has it been sailed before

Created by Gillianv > 9 months ago, 18 Nov 2013
TAS, 367 posts
18 Nov 2013 2:04PM
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Has Dove Lake been sailed before was a discussion at the evening session of the 'Taste of the Tamar' after our northern learn to windsurf day at Low head this weekend. Im afraid the answer is yes, in 1987, by my then 19 year old self. So sorry Ben, no new record to be had here, attached is the evidence.

Sailboarders are always looking for creative and new places to sail. Mostly to gain the allusive new spot speed record. This sail had nothing to do with speed but it did turn a few japanese tourists eyes.

Conditions were challenging on the day, winds turbulent, tending to hit the water in random gusts from a 45 degree angle above, directed by the mountains surrounding the lake. I was a newbie to the sport, but I was not going to fall in, as the water was also a tad on the cold side. At the time it seemed worth the risk for the photos.

Does anyone else have any creative sailing spot photos to share. ?

TAS, 147 posts
18 Nov 2013 2:22PM
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That's awesome Gill

TAS, 22 posts
18 Nov 2013 2:23PM
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Nice effort Gill. The only thing that would have made that better would have been if you were using a teak boom.


TAS, 1664 posts
18 Nov 2013 2:58PM
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Spectacular Gill,

I've thought lately of trying to sail all the lakes/dams around the state in one season.

It would probably take more dedication than I have, namely dropping everything and going to the lake/Dam on the day it's got the right wind direction.

Anyone got any Ideas on this ?

TAS, 543 posts
18 Nov 2013 3:15PM
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Yep, Gill that is spectacular.

We will absolutely do this again...

TAS, 367 posts
18 Nov 2013 4:36PM
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I would like to be able to say that I had sailed wineglass bay. It couldn't be that difficult to carry a light board and rig over the saddle to the beach. In the past I helped carry the timber 'wave seat' that is positioned at the top of the saddle and it was easily as heavy as an old windsurfer board. The conditions may be difficult, but it would certainly make a spectacular photo.

TAS, 1664 posts
18 Nov 2013 4:45PM
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would it be better to get a boat to take the gear around?

TAS, 620 posts
18 Nov 2013 4:53PM
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Yes. Food for thought, maybe a group ride if a boat could be found then a barbie on the beach. Make a great photo.

TAS, 367 posts
18 Nov 2013 7:09PM
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FoS said..

would it be better to get a boat to take the gear around?

That just sounds too easy. We don't own any watercraft bigger than windsurfers so didn't think of the obvious solution, although a walk over the saddle would possibly beat the time a boat would take.

TAS, 147 posts
18 Nov 2013 7:14PM
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I think we could walk in. Modern gear is pretty light. It depends if you want a rig for everyone or just share one or two. The trek would be half the story

TAS, 543 posts
18 Nov 2013 7:34PM
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You guys haven't walked it for a while have you. Boogie board I've done. That was hard enough.
Try carrying your board ONLY around for 1 hour - that'll get you to the top of the saddle only - double that down...

I can organise a boat to take gear - that shouldn't be an issue. But the when and the who, will take some planning.... we need an event coordinator extraordinaire legend... *cough cough* Ben?

We'd also need someone on top of Mt Parsons probably to take the photo's, or just the Saddle lookout even? I'm sure it could be coordinated. I might do the walk boxing day to time out a plan ... I'm not carrying any gear though!

TAS, 147 posts
18 Nov 2013 8:17PM
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JohnnyHuett said..

You guys haven't walked it for a while have you. Boogie board I've done. That was hard enough.
Try carrying your board ONLY around for 1 hour - that'll get you to the top of the saddle only - double that down...

I can organise a boat to take gear - that shouldn't be an issue. But the when and the who, will take some planning.... we need an event coordinator extraordinaire legend... *cough cough* Ben?

We'd also need someone on top of Mt Parsons probably to take the photo's, or just the Saddle lookout even? I'm sure it could be coordinated. I might do the walk boxing day to time out a plan ... I'm not carrying any gear though!

Come on Johnny. One word for you SOFT! I walked it 2 years ago and they had escalators on the steep bits. Not like the old days (OMS) when you had to crawl or commando roll your way in and hopefully out!! My 10 year old ran most of the way out. Yes, you would find a few narrow bit where you might 'poke' some tourists with a mast or boom but that goes back to Gill's initial intention at Dove Lake to "turn a few japanese tourists eyes". (or in this case POKE!).

TAS, 543 posts
18 Nov 2013 8:52PM
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LOL ... Yea I'm soft. I know.

I've walked that track that many times, maybe I'm just scarred ;-)

TAS, 488 posts
18 Nov 2013 10:43PM
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Great pics want to do that sometime. As for wineglass Bay I dont think it would be a problem at all to carry gear up .You could package the gear up like a stretcher and carry it in with two people. I carried a 20kg pack over the other weekend with no problems. Its quite an easy track. Lets do it. yes Johnny your getting soft

TAS, 979 posts
18 Nov 2013 11:18PM
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I've checked out Sleepy bay and it would be possible to put in there. It about a 5km rhumb line from there to Wineglass Bay. In a summer NE wind it would be do-able though the cliffs on the southeast side of the Hazards may create a bit of extra breeze. Would be a spectacular longboard run underneath the Hazards.


TAS, 3173 posts
19 Nov 2013 12:00AM
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A few years ago Ken Woolford (doesn't have internet so doesn't do Seabreeze) walked from Cockle Creek down to South East Cape Bay and sailed the Southern Ocean. That's a good two hour walk without any gear. He kept trying to talk me into doing it again with him, I thought he was nuts but maybe I should have done it.

Gill has laid down the challenge let's take it on

TAS, 2342 posts
19 Nov 2013 10:00AM
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I've windsurfed the Huon River off Franklin in a northerly. So it was across the river and back about 50 or less metre runs, forever gybing and I was a bit paranoid of hitting logs.

TAS, 543 posts
19 Nov 2013 10:04AM
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If we can find 12 really iconic backdrops, we could produce a Calendar really easily (and cheap).
Might be a 2015 Calendar, but it would be one to keep for years....

...I can see Houston turning up to events on the wrong day in 4 years time

TAS, 488 posts
20 Nov 2013 1:26PM
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Great idea Johnny.....lets get cracking

TAS, 367 posts
20 Nov 2013 3:26PM
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Whats on the list.? Anyone have any ideas. ?

Iconic backdrops may include:

Cradle Mountain, Dove Lake, maybe even a winter shot, with snow around the lake, if anyone is brave.
Stanley with the nut in the background.
Wineglass bay, a summer month photo.
Port Arthur
The Cataract Gorge ? wide angle shot from the chairlift ?
A Derwent River shot with Mt Wellington in the background.
or Constitution dock ?

Or are we going to be more serious about it and take photos in places that are are maybe a little less humorous, and more sailable than picturesque.

TAS, 543 posts
20 Nov 2013 4:07PM
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Nope - I love your list Gill - was what I had in mind!
I think we should aim for the picturesque and not genuine sail-able locations (we can get them anytime far too easily).

Maybe add on a well known Marina/wharf - perhaps St. Helens with all the fishing boat at the wharf?
Woolnorth windfarm - We might need some wavesailors out the front of Woolnorth windfarm...
Ross River or Richmond with the bridge in the backdrop...
The Tasman Bridge
The Bridgewater causeway
Out the front of Boags brewery in the Tamar
The Great Lake

TAS, 708 posts
20 Nov 2013 8:18PM
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Love the Gorge and chairlift idea....

TAS, 189 posts
22 Nov 2013 11:32PM
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a boat around to hazards beach and then the quick walk across to wineglass would be a pretty easy way to sail wineglass, even sail down to hazard and de-rig. launching at sleepy bay could end up being a bit gnarly. the N easters at coles bay during the summer turn into massive sea breezes which might just funnel down the side of the hazards and leave you with a big up winder...

its very do-able

cox's bite wavesailing is the big one!

TAS, 3173 posts
23 Nov 2013 12:34AM
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Nick how do you propose to sail Cox's Bight sounds like an adventure I'd be in for

TAS, 979 posts
4 Dec 2013 2:10AM
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TAS, 488 posts
4 Dec 2013 8:26AM
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Awesome Clarence...well done..should we add it to the spot Guide?

TAS, 979 posts
7 Dec 2013 10:53PM
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Could be included in a spot guide for SUPing- we head up there once a week usually. Great for kids and learners on SUP boards.

The wind was surprisingly consistent the afternoon I took the sailing gear up.


TAS, 3173 posts
8 Dec 2013 10:11AM
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Did you sail down the river from the dam?

TAS, 543 posts
8 Dec 2013 12:22PM
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LOL wouldn't classify as sailing.

TAS, 161 posts
9 Dec 2013 10:21AM
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Many moons ago I sailed from Pittwater to Carlton in a howling Nor-wester using a 3.5M2.
As I got to the end of 7 mile the wind dropped out & I had to wait a while for it to pick back up before sailing around the island to Carlton.
I think either Damo or Andrew Barrenger picked me up, we used to talk about having a long distance race there.

Tappo & Ricketts had a crack at sailing from Arthur River to Greens but from memory only got as far as Lighthouse.

TAS, 2647 posts
9 Dec 2013 10:26PM
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I remember that day, dont think i had a licence then, i was still on the breast.
infact i am still on the..
Andrew Barrenger gave you a lift back.

oh back in the day when boards were plastic and windsurfing magazines filled the shelfs of local newsagents..


Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

"Has it been sailed before" started by Gillianv