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Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

How depressing....

Created by izaak > 9 months ago, 28 May 2011
TAS, 1998 posts
28 May 2011 2:53PM
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Could it get any calmer....

VIC, 3455 posts
28 May 2011 6:07PM
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Stop complaining!!!!! We had a speed comp today got a peak of 6 kts [}:)] on the one design

TAS, 44 posts
28 May 2011 7:04PM
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Get the water skis out

TAS, 729 posts
28 May 2011 9:59PM
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That looks very good for fishing so that is not depressing
God bless and goodnight

TAS, 3173 posts
28 May 2011 11:23PM
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Nothing happening down south till later next week maybe notherlies around Thurs...maybe Marion,,,,wishful thinking...pretty neat photo Izaak

TAS, 267 posts
29 May 2011 2:22PM
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Your not doing it justice, there was a 5cm wave hitting Shearwater beach at 330 yesterday. Perfect

TAS, 144 posts
29 May 2011 5:58PM
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I went for a windsurf at Picanniny Point (just north of Bicheno). Just enough wind to go for a slow little sail I thought. Unfortunately the wind left me just as I got near the last set of breakers and I now have a 4 piece mast, two piece sail and broken mast foot. Can't wait until I get my new board!!! (got sent Friday).

TAS, 1998 posts
29 May 2011 6:35PM
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Nice 3ft swell of bakers front beach today,headed out on the jet ski with James and did a bit of tow in on the wake board then stated to slingshot,let go of the rope and hit the close to nailing a back flip. At least some thing to do with out the wind involved.

TAS, 2433 posts
29 May 2011 9:22PM
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Great fun Izaak. I got into a bit of wakeboarding years ago with a few mates, had a ball until the knees got a flogging landing tantrums(heal side backflips) Later I bought a jetski(yami 1200) and we had a absolute ball doing exactly what you've been doing; until we got carried away and ended up at Shipstern towing in. We(Myself and Brook Phillips, the guy that won the international wipeout comp a few years back) beet Ross Clark Jones and Morice Cole by 10 minutes to be the first tow ins at Shipterns
Sorry! couldnt help myself reminising about days goneby

TAS, 3173 posts
29 May 2011 9:45PM
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Sounded like you really got trashed Alex....bit of an adventure, it's great sailing spots you've never sailed before, well done....sorry about the gear

Good on you guys getting out at Bakers...gotta make the best of no point in gettting depressed

TAS, 1998 posts
29 May 2011 9:47PM
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buzzy said...

Great fun Izaak. I got into a bit of wakeboarding years ago with a few mates, had a ball until the knees got a flogging landing tantrums(heal side backflips) Later I bought a jetski(yami 1200) and we had a absolute ball doing exactly what you've been doing; until we got carried away and ended up at Shipstern towing in. We(Myself and Brook Phillips, the guy that won the international wipeout comp a few years back) beet Ross Clark Jones and Morice Cole by 10 minutes to be the first tow ins at Shipterns
Sorry! couldnt help myself reminising about days goneby

Yes very good fun,we did a few runs down the sandbar doing (80km) and you just dont realise how quick it feels on a jet ski compared to doing that windsurfing. It's amazing how much slower you go on glassy water,with a slight ripple ive had the jet ski over 100km+ today. Had another crack in the glassy water and barley got 85km, it must bog and stick to the water. Any way now to 360 air the knee board and get on a air chair (hydrofoil)....

TAS, 2648 posts
29 May 2011 10:23PM
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izzak, come spring and you will want to do those moves attached to a sailboard!!.

TAS, 1998 posts
29 May 2011 10:31PM
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yeah i know, but i have to stop spending my money

anthony perkins
TAS, 381 posts
30 May 2011 8:43AM
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TAS, 2343 posts
30 May 2011 10:00AM
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Izaak those photo's look beautiful, mirror calm, peaceful, relaxing.....ooopps I'm showing my age, love to be out on my surf ski in those waters. Yes I remember the days I used to get depressed because there was no wind (back in my younger years). Over that now, just enjoying what ever the weather sends our way, so many other things to do when there's no wind.

TAS, 2433 posts
30 May 2011 1:19PM
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Kazza said...

Izaak those photo's look beautiful, mirror calm, peaceful, relaxing.....ooopps I'm showing my age, love to be out on my surf ski in those waters. Yes I remember the days I used to get depressed because there was no wind (back in my younger years). Over that now, just enjoying what ever the weather sends our way, so many other things to do when there's no wind.

Absolutely typical, bloody clubby gym junkies! Mirror calm/Great for the 'Surf Ski in those waters'.
Next thing they'll be holding a Surf Boat race in the Derwent River, Oh! they already do
Maybe they should be called paddle ski and row boats[}:)]

WA, 154 posts
30 May 2011 4:46PM
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buzzy said...

Kazza said...

Izaak those photo's look beautiful, mirror calm, peaceful, relaxing.....ooopps I'm showing my age, love to be out on my surf ski in those waters. Yes I remember the days I used to get depressed because there was no wind (back in my younger years). Over that now, just enjoying what ever the weather sends our way, so many other things to do when there's no wind.

Absolutely typical, bloody clubby gym junkies! Mirror calm/Great for the 'Surf Ski in those waters'.
Next thing they'll be holding a Surf Boat race in the Derwent River, Oh! they already do
Maybe they should be called paddle ski and row boats[}:)]
Buzzy surf ski paddling is becoming one of the most popular watersports in the world.Great doing it when the wind is not blowing.Good to do something rather than nothing
Working out in the gym is another positive thing we can do
Enjoy the stoke

TAS, 3173 posts
30 May 2011 7:21PM
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Obviously Izaak you are spending your ole mans money...can tell from his comment....but don't let that hold you up there's plenty more where that came from

TAS, 1471 posts
30 May 2011 7:41PM
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Oh well hopefully the drought will be over and we get some descent wind this weekend It always seems like we get the wind at the start of the month and then it disappears on us.

TAS, 2648 posts
30 May 2011 9:48PM
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get used to it jez.
its the end!!

TAS, 2648 posts
30 May 2011 9:51PM
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Good point Jaytee, thinking of geting a long boat myself.
We have some real redneck attitudes down here.

TAS, 1471 posts
30 May 2011 10:36PM
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geared4knots said...

get used to it jez.
its the end!!

Nope I'm an optimist, I have a good feeling about the weekend

TAS, 2343 posts
31 May 2011 9:52AM
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jaytee said...

buzzy said...

Kazza said...

Izaak those photo's look beautiful, mirror calm, peaceful, relaxing.....ooopps I'm showing my age, love to be out on my surf ski in those waters. Yes I remember the days I used to get depressed because there was no wind (back in my younger years). Over that now, just enjoying what ever the weather sends our way, so many other things to do when there's no wind.

Absolutely typical, bloody clubby gym junkies! Mirror calm/Great for the 'Surf Ski in those waters'.
Next thing they'll be holding a Surf Boat race in the Derwent River, Oh! they already do

Maybe they should be called paddle ski and row boats[}:)]
Buzzy surf ski paddling is becoming one of the most popular watersports in the world.Great doing it when the wind is not blowing.Good to do something rather than nothing
Working out in the gym is another positive thing we can do
Enjoy the stoke

I like you jaytee, we think alike! Buzzy is just bored and trying to pick another fight He's really like mush underneath, like a chocolate coated snowball

TAS, 2343 posts
31 May 2011 9:58AM
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geared4knots said...

Good point Jaytee, thinking of geting a long boat myself.
We have some real redneck attitudes down here.

Yer go Damo, wait till you ride a bit of that's a buzz....y

TAS, 2433 posts
31 May 2011 10:35AM
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I've had enough of this continual stirring, I give up! Happy paddling, happy gyming happy whatever. I just need more time, money and motivation and Id be having a go as well.
Planning on going to the gym at least one night a week as soon as I get some new shoes, but will start with swimming until then.
Stand up paddling is a great cross training sport and guess what they're call Stand up Paddle Boards but I take mine in the waves all the time and actually Surf them.
I am yet to see anyone Surfing their ski but I do see alot paddling past behind the waves. Ooops I've done it again, must be my new Red neck Heeler dog rubbing off

TAS, 2343 posts
31 May 2011 12:44PM
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buzzy said...

Planning on going to the gym at least one night a week as soon as I get some new shoes, ]


A SUP would be fun, next toy.......

TAS, 2433 posts
31 May 2011 2:27PM
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Nooooo more toys woman!!!!

TAS, 1471 posts
31 May 2011 9:47PM
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Jezstrt said...

Oh well hopefully the drought will be over and we get some descent wind this weekend It always seems like we get the wind at the start of the month and then it disappears on us.

Forecast is looking even better hope it holds! Monday looking good as well

TAS, 3173 posts
31 May 2011 9:48PM
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Buzzy we all knew you were into cross dressing........but cross training look foward to seeing a few photos

TAS, 2343 posts
1 Jun 2011 9:52AM
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houston said...

Buzzy we all knew you were into cross dressing........but cross training look foward to seeing a few photos

Yes Buzzy has just taken up religion, he's been going to church every Sunday

TAS, 2433 posts
1 Jun 2011 11:11AM
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Oh cmon I was trying to sound like I know about this fitness stuff. Apparently using a Wii is also a form of cross training, its cheeper than going to the gym and its actually got more real people in it.


Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

"How depressing...." started by izaak