Tassie is still on top in the rankings for January and only one day to gohttp://www.gpsteamchallenge.com/rankings/index
Russ you have just one day to get out there and knock me off, I have to rub it in, it may be my last chance ....or will it....we all reckon you gone soft, ya just a fair weather sailor
Not long to go now ...
Looks like the next 4 teams are all sharing similar points rather than one team being hot on our tails, which is lucky for us.
And the Tassie individual rankings for January (so far) are:
1 Izaak Perkins 10
2 Kaleb Smith 12
3 James Brient 38
4 Anthony Perkins 40
5 Dave Morehead 44
6 Jordan Murray 50
7 Ray Thorne 53
7 Steveaus341 53
9 Paul Tenteye 54
10 Anthony Houston 57
11 Bear 61
12 Gordo 66
13 Kazza 68
14 Russell Dowd 73
15 Johno 82
16 Richard CS 83
17 Jodi 96
18 Geoff Broomby 98
19 Easty 111
20 Jez 114
21 Fos 122
Anthony, fair weather sounds nice
I will have to give you January
well done to all team members my best sail this month was at Marion Bay
Hope to get a few more in Feb
Who is interested in taking the Bic Allegro for a run in Feb designed in 1988 it's a true classic GUN!!!
Cheers Russ
Yeah Russ I'd be keen to give the Bic Allegro a run, I'll let you stay on your speed gear to give you an advantage and a little help for the Feb challenge [}:)][}:)]
I'll be happy if I get that many sails this year
Well done on getting out so much while you've had the chance, a good start to the year!!
Congrats guys on another trophy to the cabinet. Looks like it could be a very successful year for the TSS.