Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

Marrawah BOL Bloody GOOD Friday!

Created by nickpryde > 9 months ago, 23 Apr 2011
TAS, 189 posts
23 Apr 2011 5:07PM
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Jason Ant and i hit BOL yesterday... and low and behold we got to the top of the hill and despite 5 meters on the wave buoy, it looked pretty average with rarely a breaking wave...
so we headed down to take a closer look and thought
"bugger it" we came all this way, we will try it anyway...

was pretty average for BOL...

TAS, 621 posts
23 Apr 2011 5:36PM
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Well Nick I don't know what you expected. You took the bad luck charm. Last time I went sailing with Ant I busted 2 fins!!!![}:)]

TAS, 3173 posts
24 Apr 2011 12:17AM
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Yeah dissapointing Nick to go all that way and get sh.t swell...and you just wasted your money on a new quad.....I'll chuck up a coupla pics tomorrow to prove we never ever bull sh.t
Watch this space

TAS, 44 posts
24 Apr 2011 8:49PM
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Yeah it was flat, should have taken the slalom board....That's houston in the water desperately hoping for the wind to come in.

TAS, 2342 posts
25 Apr 2011 7:50PM
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Now I'm confused, which are the REAL good Friday photo's? Which one of you is the crap artist?[}:)]

TAS, 3173 posts
25 Apr 2011 10:41PM
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Truth be known Kazza we're all crap artists....this photo is the launching site where you have to drift out past the rocks to get to the wind. You can see from this photo how open the channel is which makes it easy to get out
Doesn't look like it but once you get past the rocky headland it was blowing 25 knots.....and the other photos are real

TAS, 1664 posts
26 Apr 2011 7:49AM
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houston said...

Truth be known Kazza we're all crap artists....this photo is the launching site where you have to drift out past the rocks to get to the wind. You can see from this photo how open the channel is which makes it easy to get out
Doesn't look like it but once you get past the rocky headland it was blowing 25 knots.....and the other photos are real

Says the self confessed crap artist

TAS, 1651 posts
26 Apr 2011 8:28AM
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Houston you had a real Easter adventure. Well done mate.
Cheers Russ

TAS, 132 posts
28 Apr 2011 7:03PM
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So u got the best of Marrawah and Carlton in one week u must be super man Ant


Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

"Marrawah BOL Bloody GOOD Friday!" started by nickpryde