Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

Never windsurfed and want to give it a crack?

Created by houston > 9 months ago, 5 Nov 2012
TAS, 3173 posts
5 Nov 2012 11:06PM
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Anyone who has never windsurfed before and would like to give it a crack are welcome to borrow one of the learner boards owned by Windsurf Tasmania .

These boards are very stable and easy to learn on . You can borrow a board for 1-2 weeks to introduce yourself to windsurfing and then the local retailers (find them on ) can help you choose new or second hand gear that will take you to the next level.

Contact Ant Houston (0417577884) or Damo Wallace (ph 0409854754) in the south or, Ben (ph. 0400638795) in the Launceston/Tamar region to arrange to try out these boards.

To borrow the boards you need to become a social member of Windsurfing Tasmania, $35 will give you annual subscription which you can do when you come to pick up the board.

A donation for the use of the boards will be greatly appreciated and will help towards repairs and maintenance of the equipment.

If you live on the North West Coast and want to give windsurfing a go, contact the Leven Yacht Club, Ulverstone, there are two learner boards for use in the club.

You can find out all you need to know on the 'About Windsurfing Tasmania' tab on this website

Come and join da fun

.........and the next day she was pulling off crazy stuff..............

TAS, 3173 posts
10 Nov 2012 3:42PM
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TAS, 3173 posts
17 Dec 2012 11:53PM
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TAS, 3173 posts
29 Dec 2012 11:44PM
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All 3 learner boards in the south are currently out on loan...... great to see the interest, if you know of anyone that is keen to try them out let Damo, Ben or me know or get them to contact us directly


Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

"Never windsurfed and want to give it a crack?" started by houston