'Try windsurfing' learn to sail day was a huge success! Conditions were perfect for learners, with a light sea breeze and a beautiful sunny day at Lagoon beach. The only issue was a good dose of sunburn. The learner boards were constantly on the water. I am uncertain about how many tried sailing, but by the afternoon there looked like there were a few young and old sailors hooked or re-hooked on sailboarding. Most learner boards sailed till the bay ran out of water at low tide around 5pm. It is inspiring to see so many enjoying their first taste of windsurfing in such perfect conditions and spectacular to see so much great learn to sail gear on the lawn at the end of the session. The ???Taste of Tamar??? was also a success with a midday and an evening sizzle session, sausages, kebabs, and more bacon than anyone could reasonably consume thanks to Bacon Ben???s Bulk Buy. The success is thanks to all those who taught, supplied gear, and participated in the day.
whoops...., I should have possibly put this on the same thread, but I was posting at the same time as you Ben.
My snail like phone internet hot spot took 25 minutes to upload the photos. Such poor phone reception out here at Low Head.
Love all the oranga sails... love all the gear on the grass...Love the taste.... love it all.
Great photos peoples...
Remember Rosevears tomorrow Jill
Fantastic fun day great to see so many kids out sailing..................and these are serious kids, most sailed pretty much all day one put in over six hours and I saw him pull off a helli tack on a small board.............the pics say it all
Turned out to be a perfect learner day with light winds. Great to see so many kids outs and quite a lot of first timer for the day. Also a big thanks to Ant. for bringing up the southern boards to use and helping out for the day. Also thanks to everyone else who helped on the day. Looked fantastic with all the orange sails on the water.