Come along to the FREE Learn to Windsurf/Fun Day, Lagoon Bay, Low Head on the 16th November
If you are keen to give windsurfing a crack or have a friend that's keen, come along and meet some of the local sailors who will be there to help you get started on the windsurfers provided.
All you need to bring along is a wetsuit, wetsuit boots and a life jacket Ben Wilson/Paul Tenteye/Al Cook/John Huett are organizing this event and will be stoked with anyone that can help on the day.
This day is all about fun and that's what's windsurfing is all about. If you want any more information or can help on the day please contact Ben at Ph 0400638795 or email: Keep watching this post for more information
The day will conclude with the 3rd Annual "Taste of the Tamar" so come prepared with snags and a few drinks to watch the sun go down.
If the girlie sailor in the top photo had attended a learn to windsurf day she would have been told that her harness lines were way too far forward, as they should be 1/3 of the way down the boom and she shouldn't be able to let go with her front hand, but I am guessing you didn't notice that aspect of the photo Ben.
If the girlie sailor in the top photo had attended a learn to windsurf day she would have been told that her harness lines were way too far forward, as they should be 1/3 of the way down the boom and she shouldn't be able to let go with her front hand, but I am guessing you didn't notice that aspect of the photo Ben.
Sometimes I just don't have anything to say.....
Actually.... 1/3 of the way... how come I didnt know that (no answer necessary).
Sorry Gill - that "girlie" pic was my fault I can't let Ben take the rap.
It was the water colour in the pic that was closest to the lagoon sandbar colour that got my attention first... I swear!
Sorry Gill - that "girlie" pic was my fault I can't let Ben take the rap.
It was the water colour in the pic that was closest to the lagoon sandbar colour that got my attention first... I swear!
I believe you , maybe not ... but I suppose I am in the minority gender and just wondering where the spunky lad is to compliment the spunky chick.
Hey Johnny,
Would you like me to advertise this at a local high school? Approximately 880 students.
Hi Guys Floody and I were talking about weekend and reckon it would be a good day to include a sailboarding gear swap/sell/giveaway at lagoon might get some people into it el'cheepo who are on the fence about getting into it !! Floody has enough old kit in his to gear up half of the norths population! might be worth an add in the examiner etc .
Almost time, well the end of next week in fact.
Keep spreading the word... and don't forget the Taste will also be held by the BBQ's behind the river in front of the sunset Saturday night, all welcome.
PS It will pay to keep Friday the 15th (evening) free if your in the North... more on this tomorrow
I'm bringing the 4 learner boards up from the south so we should have 8 club boards and what ever else Al has in the cupboard
Ben do I need to bring anything else up?
I'm bringing the 4 learner boards up from the south so we should have 8 club boards and what ever else Al has in the cupboard
Ben do I need to bring anything else up?
Thanks Ant,
If you could bring the rigs as well as the boards...
Ok but seriously - Damo may have the kids rigs or the new rig for our 4th Rio up here.. If you could bring these up that would be fabulino
Need a ticket reserved to the movie night?
I'm bringing the 4 learner boards up from the south so we should have 8 club boards and what ever else Al has in the cupboard
Ben do I need to bring anything else up?
Thanks Ant,
If you could bring the rigs as well as the boards...
Ok but seriously - Damo may have the kids rigs or the new rig for our 4th Rio up here.. If you could bring these up that would be fabulino
Need a ticket reserved to the movie night?
Ben I'll be there with the boards 10am Sat.
I'll pick up your rigs from Damien on Friday, make sure he knows exactly what you want.
See you then, should be a great day
Guys the forecast looks like easterly to variable winds for Saturday are you still holding it at Lagoon Bay?
...are you still holding it at Lagoon Bay?
Unless things change, we'll be calling it a GO mate.
Are you sure you're not going to be here to be the guest speaker tonight? We had plans for you ...
EDIT: High Tide @ 10:43am
...are you still holding it at Lagoon Bay?
Unless things change, we'll be calling it a GO mate.
Are you sure you're not going to be here to be the guest speaker tonight? We had plans for you ...
EDIT: High Tide @ 10:43am
Coming up Saturday morning won't make it to the movie night but happy to make a speech for you to read out on my behalf
Try this: umm.... umm...... ahh..... umm..... well...... I know........umm.....don't you worry about me
What a brilliant day My crew alone had 5 first time sailors! Here are a few pics to get the discussion started...
Looks great,
Perfect weather shame about the president shoving his face in everywhere
Is that a 2 sail board there?
Yep Fos - the Floods were very kind to bring down their Gemini for a few of us to give it a crack - I'm sure houston will recount his adventure face to face
Top day once again, and the Taste of the Tamar raising the bar this year - a very prestigious and very exclusive event.
Something like 15 on the water learning...
Plenty of action off the water...
Stories... lots of stories...
First time experience for me, I have never been luffed up by a tandem before and the two characters who performed the manoeuver can't help themselves bragging about it (last pic)
Mixture of old and new gear, washed 9 years of mould gunge and bird poo off the old Speed long board put on brand new KA Race 7.1 and had a great day
Yep Fos - the Floods were very kind to bring down their Gemini for a few of us to give it a crack - I'm sure houston will recount his adventure face to face
Top day once again, and the Taste of the Tamar raising the bar this year - a very prestigious and very exclusive event.
Something like 15 on the water learning...
Plenty of action off the water...
Stories... lots of stories...
So true Johnny. The 'Taste' even had girls this year That raises the bar!
The girls are really getting into it up north if you girls want to know how to attract the guys just buy yourself a flash board off Al like Lucy Hyde did! Talk about board envy!!!!
The girls are really getting into it up north if you girls want to know how to attract the guys just buy yourself a flash board off Al like Lucy Hyde did! Talk about board envy!!!!
Yes people the Parkster really is the Oprah of northern Tasmania.....I don't think he has Tom Cruise on speed dial though...