Come along to the FREE Learn to Windsurf/Fun Day, Lagoon Bay, Low Head on the 1st February.
If you are keen to give windsurfing a crack or have a friend that's keen, come along and meet some of the local sailors who will be there to help you get started on the windsurfers provided.
All you need to bring along is a wetsuit, wetsuit boots and a life jacket Ben Wilson/Paul Tenteye/Al Cook/John Huett are organizing this event and will be stoked with anyone that can help on the day.
This day is all about fun and that's what's windsurfing is all about. If you want any more information or can help on the day please contact Ben at Ph 0400638795 or email: Keep watching this post for more information.
BBQ Facilities are available at Lagoon Bay and a few of us normally stick around to wash some sausages down.
Tell everyone and post here if your coming to help us gauge numbers
Hi Everyone
I have been in contact with the Examiner and I am pretty confident that reporter Emily Baker will come down to this and write a story for the "Your Region - Tamar Valley" section of this paper To quote Emily she said "Sounds like it'll make a great pic". I nominate Al to do the interview!!
Let's hope it is another great day and we have a heap of people on the water when she arrives. Emily will confirm when it is organised with Saturday's chief of staff.
That's great news Steve. I don't think there will be much wind but it should be ideal for some great pictures. I wonder if I should wear my skin tight wettie, doesn't hurt to advertise.
Yea nice one Steve - that's excellent.
I can't be there until after lunch, so if anyone could help Ben out if would be most excellent - and a great personal favour for me.
Even transporting gear might be helpful, I'm sure if you gave Ben a call, he wouldn't turn down any offers - any . Or just turning up around 9:30 to help him setup would be huge..I can bring stuff back home after the beers are finished.
Rod - don't freak out our lady reporter with anything too revealing - save it for the drinks!
Hi guys,
I can make it to Lagoon beach early Saturday, although my wetsuits are not yet here, so can only help with onshore stuff and to attract girls.
Maybe a bit on water, if it would be warm day.
Also, it will be nice to meet some windsurfers.
Please show anyone coming to the Learners day this video, having the basics in your head will help you get much more out of the day.
Hey Guys
Have a lovely day - hope you get perfect conditions and loads of people wanting to try - the first time is always fun!
If you want to ditch your Wetsuits and head up to FIJI for some warmer Windsurfing later in the winter months, feel free to email me warren safarilodge com fj for some information. Happy to help you out and get you up here blasting in warm waters...we do Lessons every day!
Warren Francis
You don't know you are alive until you've sailed on a frosty day in winter down here. Maybe you should visit here this June?
Looks like it is going to be sunny beautiful conditions. The off shore winds may be a little challenging. Do we need some rescue kayaks? I can help out on the day and bring the 0.9 and some other small kids sails and the centre finned kode. Also could bring a kayak if needed.
Dont worry Gill, I will be there in my kayak ready to rescue those in need (some call me the golden retriever). However if you feel like joining my floating pack of mercy then feel free to bring your boat as well.
Thanks Gill, If its no great trouble I think a second kayak can only make it safer and easier... I have had a lot of responses for help on the day and gear that we need and transport of gear... thanks to all
There is already talk of a BBQ and cold drinks after.....going to be a good day
Hey Everyone
I just had an email for Emily. She wants to change the plan and run a story in tomorrow's Examiner to get people to come along!!! This could be a really AWESOME day Make sure you get your copy tomorrow
Finally something of substance will be printed! I was getting tired of the paper being dominated by those damn cat-alogues
I love La Goon Dog or is that a bit too formal? I don't really know him well enough to go straight to GoonDog Can we please see him next in a super hero suit or even better a short feature film? I know you have to technology! REALLY looking forward to a great day tomorow
Great to see you guys so fired up you're putting us to shame looks like we'll have to get cracking on another learner day in the south. Interesting to see how many turn up, hope you get the weather you want
We've had a fair bit of interest down south with all 4 learner boards lent out since our first learner day in Nov
Today certainly lived up to all the hype. I counted 100+ people with all the boards in use and 2 or 3 people waiting to use each. Our new page 12 pin up guy worked some magic with people saying how they had changed their plans for the day to go windsurfing after reading the article! Unfortunatley, I was too busy to take any pics so I hope some will follow. The Examiner has also requested some pics to publish. GREAT day!!!
It was a 9.5/10 day for learners.
3 to 8 knots, beautiful clear water, high tide, warm and sunny conditions.
I had 3 total beginners sailing each way and turning and coming back by themselves by lunch time.
It was a great day for all involved.
Old Man Steve and Bearhoover hardly stopped all day.
The only negative was the cross-offshore wind.
The rescue canoes/boards had to be deployed a few times, and the cords from the mast base back the instructors ensured no one got too far away too quickly.
Lots of families and under 20's.
And yes, at one stage there were two people lining up waiting to have a go.
Top day all round.