Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

Pics From Dorans Rd 3rd Jan 2013

Created by Kerski13 > 9 months ago, 4 Jan 2013
TAS, 24 posts
4 Jan 2013 8:30PM
Thumbs Up

In Hobart camping at 7 Mile Beach yesterday so to fill in the afternoon on a hot windy day I drove around to Dorans Rd to check if anyone was Wind Surfing so I could take a few pics and as it was blowing quite hard there was no shortage of fellow windsurfers.

The pics below are from yesterday.

Only thing was when I had finished I realised that I had wrong setting set for the camera so some of the pics aren't what they could have been.



Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

"Pics From Dorans Rd 3rd Jan 2013" started by Kerski13