Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

Rosevears perfect today - 5th Oct

Created by Brass Monkey > 9 months ago, 5 Oct 2013
Brass Monkey
TAS, 27 posts
5 Oct 2013 1:30PM
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Was excellent on the Tamr this morning until I had a bad crash and hurt my back with all the spectators on the Tamar Odessey looking on.

My sail was too large and should have gone for the smaller sail so I was never really in control all morning. Got some serious air several times (unintentionally).

Looks like somebody else has just started out there now. Still a couple of hours of high tide left.

TAS, 543 posts
5 Oct 2013 3:09PM
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Great day at Rosey indeed. Best I've seen it I think.

Michael, Jason(far off the point), James & Geoff


Jason & Geoff




TAS, 73 posts
5 Oct 2013 6:41PM
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Great pictures Johnny! , was fantastic wind all afternoon ,
just dieing off now . Does "nt get much better than today

TAS, 488 posts
5 Oct 2013 7:08PM
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Just had one of the best sessions at rosevears ...wind was filled in except for the ends and the nice flat water section at the other end which got better as the tide dropped but never had enough wind on there just as geoff was packing up...nice pics Johnny

TAS, 113 posts
6 Oct 2013 2:52PM
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Nice pictures Johny, pity you weren't out there too having fun

TAS, 113 posts
6 Oct 2013 2:53PM
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TAS, 3173 posts
6 Oct 2013 5:24PM
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Johnny da pussy still crook are ya mate

TAS, 625 posts
6 Oct 2013 7:38PM
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You're making me jealous. I hope you don't use up all the good days until I can get back there.

TAS, 543 posts
6 Oct 2013 8:33PM
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Nah mate not crook...but not stupid.
Thumb nearly healed and 80% movement. But one bump at this stage puts me off the water for another 2 months :-(
Rosey was far too hectic to guarantee its safety yesterday!

TAS, 147 posts
6 Oct 2013 8:58PM
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Hey Johnny
Is that the same injury you suffered at Paper Beach a few weeks ago or another mishap? I had a really slow but pleasant sail with Endo today. Did my first ever gybes. Non planning gybes but Endo said that they looked likes gybes [:D hahaha Maybe a step forward for me.

TAS, 543 posts
6 Oct 2013 10:37PM
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Great work mate! Getting some time in, going to be a great summer!

Yea same thumb. Broke the first bone and "major trauma" (damaged/bruised) to the tendon that allows you to move the thumb... Nearly all good though...

TAS, 147 posts
7 Oct 2013 8:29AM
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Hmmm. The Father's Day Cup. It was hectic that day. Long boards in 5 kts. Lucky there weren't more people injured! Just goes to show you can never be too careful.

Brass Monkey
TAS, 27 posts
7 Oct 2013 10:28AM
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I agree that it was one of the best days for sailing Rosevears that I've ever seen (and I've been sailing there for about 25 years). It's unusual for the wind to be so consistent (there's usually a bit of a slow patch in the middle of the river).

I was so disappointed at getting injured after being out there for only 45 minutes. Thankfully, it's nothing serious. The back is still a bit sore two days later, but certainly better than it was yesterday.

TAS, 488 posts
7 Oct 2013 12:43PM
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Hope you have a quick recovery Brassy


Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

"Rosevears perfect today - 5th Oct" started by Brass Monkey