Ive, always thought the beginning of spring is the start of the windsurfing season, a bit like an unofficial opening day. Now is the time to dust the gear off and get on the water.
Lets hope for a great spring/summer. Bring on the wind!!!
Cheers Damien
My gear has not really collected dust this year...Has been a good winter. Totally agree too, bring on the warm water and good winds.
New boards arriving soon like buds of September looking to show us their best gps speeds.
The KA's look nice Russ and the Evo's 4's will be interesting Izaak, but can't wait until I get my new set of Reflex III's!! It'll be the battle of the brands for sure, but all for the good of the Tassie Speed Seekers of course!!
I am a bit of mixed bag this season. bit of naish, neil pryde and North. Maybe even a severne for those light wind pond days! .
I hate being tied down to brands
I will make that a bit clearer. Naish is cambered and only used on my slalom board.
The other ones are my wave sails, just the smaller one is a mismatch ( until i sell it ).
Generally it is encouraged to have a'complete quiver' but i dont think there is anything wrong with having a 5.7 matched with a 5.3 from another brand. It often comes down to the cut and design of each sail.
You can get big differences in sails from the same manufacture. There is a lot of discussion on this topic in the mags.
Often peoples budget decide what sail goes with what.
Now matching colours thats another story!!
Easty sails information is going live on the web site very soon so keep an eye out for it
Boards I will be using Naish, JP and Isonic they are all so good and super fast. I still like the Fanatic boards as well.
Sails I love KA and Naish both are excellent. Severne and Pryde and Loft are all fantastic; we are all lucky we have so much choice.
News flash
Morgan and Jez, Sampson (My Son) has decided to he wants to follow the AFL Magpies !!! Thought you should know... Hugh has decided he wants to follow the Snakes because snakes are cool..
Go Swans!!!
I love choice!!!
KA vs Severne vs NP bring it on
I will be taking orders for Severne Reflex 3 in the next week or two. Sails will be here late Dec 2 months earlier than usual. They said a new sponsored sailor by the name of Buzzy must have his sails by Xmas or else
OMG! Things seem to heating up with the brand stakes . (Then I wrote about 20 lines and deleted them) The simple answer is sail for 10-30 years, use all the brands in every discipline and make your own judgment for what you want to do. Just make sure you actually do sail during those years and not just occasionally. Use the gear regularly, feel the difference, and shake your head at the price of some of the Capitalist brands,
As far as Wave and freeride gear goes, its Ezzy for me all the way. And yes I'm sponsored by them,but I used Ezzy by choice for 15 years before they accepted me into the team. For going fast, most of the brands are really good. My style suits Severene. Maybe thats because the first cambered race sails I'd used since 1995 were Severne, maybe, maybe not! I love the light responsive feel. Koncepts are great off the wind, maybe the KA Race will be much better allround. When it comes to GPS you need a race sail that does everything not just go dowwind. Get out there, sail and dont stop!!! Its about attitude, feel for the gear your using and passion! My passion is for Tim Tams and sugary stuff! I've chosen not to take any until after dark! That way I punish myself sailing so I can earn and enjoy my sugar!!!![}:)]